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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2009

Someone at Avery is A Little Twisted

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I was at Staples today. Shopping for report covers. And then I browsed the label aisle because I like labels. I spied this gem in the label display. (Sorry for the crappy pics - the camera on my phone sucks.) A closer look, in case you couldn't see the sample address on the packaging: Don't know who Tyler Durden is? Don't be ashamed. Apparently, the supervisors at Avery don't either. Tyler Durden is a character in Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club. Not ringing a bell? Brad Pitt in the movie Fight Club . Wikipedia describes the character as "[a] charismatic but nihilistic neo-Luddite and anarcho-primitivist with a strong hatred for consumer culture." Just the right sample name for your mailing label packaging, right? Heh. I scoured the other label packages and didn't find any other pop culture references. Not a one. I love it.

Watch This.

Dude. Seriously? Maybe you've already seen this video. Apparently, these young girls performed at the halftime of an Army-Navy basketball game in February. Amazing. I smiled. I laughed. I gasped. I said "holy crap" out loud. I cried (I'll admit, I'm a total sap. But the sight of those cadets and midshipmen cheering like maniacs for little girls jumping rope? Verklempt over here.) And, I ultimately felt like an uncoordinated, out-of-shape mom of four whose pelvic floor muscles are too compromised after multiple pregnancies to even think about jumping rope for eight minutes without Depends (Did I just say that out loud? Moms of three and four kids, I know you know what I'm talking about though...) Enough about my bladder. Here they are:

Ten Years

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My husband and I were lucky enough to get away for four days this past weekend. San Francisco. Our ten-year anniversary. We had a good time. It was nice to be kid-less for a few days. It was nice to sleep in and take naps. It was nice to explore a city we've never visited. And to eat and drink non-stop. But mostly, it was nice to spend four whole days with the person I chose to share my life's journey with. I'm not generally a sappy person but, hey, ten years. I am very lucky to have found this man. We're not perfect. But it works. I love him more today than I did the day I married him. We're a good team. We understand each other. We enjoy each other. And, the craziness of every day life can obscure that sometimes. But we do a pretty good job of recharging - even just by going on a date from time to time. This weekend was a solid recharge. One funny thing we did this weekend: I found the notebooks we wrote in during our Engaged Encounter weekend ten years ago. I pac

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words?

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I needed a camera to take to the American Royal BBQ last night ( my husband's band was playing). And I was experiencing a camera deficit. My point-and-shoot is kinda broken. It still takes pictures but the LCD screen is busted (as a result of being squished between my butt and an amusement park ride this summer). And my DSLR is at my sister's house. So, I borrowed M's camera (which was a hand-me-down point-and-shoot we gave her for her birthday). Before I left though, I cleared her memory card. Saved its contents to my hard drive and wiped it clean. Today, I sat down to look at what she shot. Here is life from the perspective of my 6-year-old: Stuffed animals. Dolls. And herself. A pretty apt description of her world, at least as she currently knows it. And then I also found this little gem: M's Blair Witch Project from Kate McKinney on Vimeo .