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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Christmas

Send Video Christmas Greetings From Santa

Make Christmas A Little More Fun ... Children & Adults Will LikeI don't know if you've seen this, but it is really cute ... Portable North Pole has done their due justice with this video greeting service. You can send children or adults a video message from Santa. It says their name, shows their picture and causes a little bit of nervous excitement while you are waiting for Santa's elves to ...

Cyber Monday & 2011 Christmas Shopping | Need Help Marketing Your Mom Business?

It's all about sales and service from Cyber Monday to New Years Day ... Is your Mom Business positioned in places where Christmas Holiday shoppers can find you on the Internet? If not, I can help!Want to skip the blog post and get info on how you can get help marketing your mom business online? Go to the Mom Business Marketing page. ELSE, read this page to learn more about 2011 Holiday Season

Black Friday Blues & Mom Business Marketing

Got The Black Friday Blues ... Is Your Mom Business Ready?Black Friday is a day that I try to avoid, but it is virtually impossible with all of the sales flyers, television and Internet advertisement overwhelming my family with so called "Black Friday Deals" on stuff we do not need. My husband has been window shopping online all day. My tween keeps adding "stuff" to his Christmas list. I even