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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Newborn Pictures

Christina Applegate & Baby Girl Sadie Grace

Christina Applegate gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Sadie Grace LeNoble on January 27, 2011 (one month after I gave birth to Baby Max). It touches my heart to read and watch Christina Applegate share her childbirth experience. In 2008, she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 36 years old. Her battle with breast cancer resulted in a double mastectomy. Yet, at 39 years old, she has given

Newborn Pictures - Baby Smile - Baby Smiles

Isn't this one of the cutest pictures in the world? I am always amazed at how infant photographers get these babies to look so natural in their photos ... yes, this is just a neonatal smile ... but it is a darn good one, isn't it? Just an adorable shot! BTW, researchers now say that newborn babies' smiles aren't just gas, but real smiles develop at 2 to 8 weeks.HERE IS MY NEWBORN BABY'S PICTURE:

Our Baby Boy Born 12-27-2010

OUR SON WAS BORN HEALTHY ... PRAISE GOD!After all of the long months of wondering if the doctor, nurses and ultrasound staff knew what they were doing, I gave birth to a healthy 7.7 lbs and 19 3/4 inch little boy ... we named him Maxwell. There were no complications for the baby or me, and we are more grateful than words that he is healthy. I guess that is how every mother feels, but considering