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Florida Beach Boys | Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday :) Lea @ Mother Baby Child

Wordless Wednesday - Springtime Florida Boondocks Lyrics, Pictures, Singing

One thing I know, No matter where I go, I keep my heart and soul in the boondocks ~ Little Big Town When you've had the life that I've had, there is beauty and peacefulness ... it feels like a rebirth; it feels secluded; it feels closer to God! I want my children to feel closer to God, respect nature and have a sense of pride that comes from non-materialism opposed to how things used to

Wordless Wednesday - Raining

It's been raining in Florida - On & Off Rain ... Very Warm Winter Family up north has been explaining what a calm winter it's been for them. It has been the same here in Central Florida with just a little rain and sunshine soon after. This makes for very tropical feeling / warm weather. It feels like it's going to be a scorcher this summer. The funny thing is that people from the North visit

Florida Pictures & Follow Me Friday Blog Hops

(This Barred Owl visits all of the time and lets us get close to photograph. You can get a closer look by clicking the picture. He really is quite beautiful!) I cannot believe that it's already Friday! This week went so quickly and I am STILL getting caught up on website design work. I better get cracking, but first I want to say hello and wish you a wonderful weekend. Welcome to friends and

Wordless Wednesday | Fat Green Caterpillar

Check out our new friend .. We named him "Willow":) This big fat green caterpillar just dropped down beside me while I was sitting on my porch. They aren't kidding when they say that bugs are bigger in the south :)Blog Hopping is such a fun way to get to know one another, therefore I added a page with a list of blogs; some host Wordless Wednesdays and others have Daily Blog Hops. Hope to see you

Wordless Wednesday | Look Who's Fishing

My Husband Had A Little Friend Fishing w/ Him That DayPlease leave a comment if you have been so kind as to follow via GFC, Twitter and / or Facebook. I am trying to increase my Alexa ranks, so please take a few minutes to browse a few of the other posts / pages and leave me a review. I do return the luv at your blog :) Check out the Blog Hops for more Wordless Wednesday and Daily favorites :)In

Boating & Swimming With The Manatee | Central Florida | Wordless Wednesday

In Motherly Love,Mother Baby Child