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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month This is the time of the year for an "in your face" reminder to get a mammogram and show our support to others battling breast cancer. I believe this is the 28th year for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month ... It amazes me how long it has taken to get women on board to commit to their health - breast health in general - and there are always more to influence

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month I am sitting here in amazement that another year has gone by so quickly! WOW! It feels like it was just yesterday that I was sharing the memory of my friend in honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and information on how to support her 2 cancer foundations this month. I am sharing this information again in this blog post, so that you

Breast Cancer Awareness Month | October | Think Pink & Support | Meaningful Monday

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month October was once a month that made me think of colorful trees, harvest fests, pumpkin patches and preparing for the winter months, as well as their popular holidays (Thanksgiving & Christmas). This all changed for me in 2008 when I met my friend, Sandee. She had joined a work at home business with me and was eager to make her mark in that industry. Her