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$10 Business for Moms | Get Healthy & Secure While Making Money From Home ... Ready?

7 Months Later & Excited To Share This Business Info With You! I don't know if you remember or not, but I wrote a blog post about needing to lose weight and a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge I joined at the end of July 2012. I was really excited to get started in losing weight. After a few months of getting results via weight loss and decreasing my blood pressure, I became even more excited to

Zig Ziglar Died Today - May He Rest In Peace (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)

R.I.P. Zig Ziglar (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)| Wordy Wordless Wednesday My jaw just about hit the floor when I read that Hilary Hinton a.k.a. ZIG ZIGLAR died this morning. It is was not the shock of death itself as this man has been blessed to live a long 86 years. Although I never met Hilary, I have been reading, watching his videos and quoting Zig Ziglar for years. It felt like

Monday Marketing Tip - How To Merge Facebook Pages Similar Names & Address

It is not uncommon for companies and people to have duplicate Facebook pages and for various reasons. Maybe a business owner created a page and let it sit, though his marketing representative made a new page with the correct vanity URL and built the second facebook page following. Another example is when someone starts a page for one reason, learns more about marketing, and then creates a

My Wordy Wordless Wednesday | Helping Moms & Thankful Moms | Psalms 136.1-9

Helping Moms In Business Does Mean More Than You Think! My mother posted the little graphic above and it's BIG message really touched my heart. I have been waiting for Wordless Wednesday, so I could share it with you. Isn't this quote so true? This quote makes me feel like emailing everyone in the world; especially CEOs of companies. They have no clue how hard it is for some mothers to

Monday Marketing Tip - Blog Business or Hobby Blog? You Must Be Serious About Blogging Because You're Reading This!

Blogging for hobby is AWESOME, but don't call your blog business a hobby if  you're serious about it! This week's marketing tip is about mom blogging, blogging for business and mom business mindset! Ok, here's a question for you ... Why do some moms become "hobbyist" when work and money is involved in "stepping up" their "game"? I am NOT saying this for personal reasons, this week's

Why Mom Bloggers Need To Use Google +

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO CLICK THE FOLLOWING BUTTON TO FOLLOWMY GOOGLE + PAGE BEFORE READING THIS DETAILED BLOG POST!I warn you now ... this is a long blog post about the marketing technicalities of Google Plus and why you should be happy to use it! You might want to use the bathroom or get a cup of tea before getting started :) Your feedback and 1+, Digg, Tweet, Stumble, etc is appreciated! I have

Wordless Wednesday | Join Google + Page

Mother Baby Child Google + Page - Please Meet Me There!https://plus.google.com/109396481259136779796/postsOK, I have to get a little wordy this Wordless Wednesday ...You might have heard a rumor that Google is getting rid of their Google Friend Connect. This is partially true, but here is the deal. Google Friend Connect will work on Blogger.com / Blogspot.com blogs, but will no longer integrate

Cyber Monday & 2011 Christmas Shopping | Need Help Marketing Your Mom Business?

It's all about sales and service from Cyber Monday to New Years Day ... Is your Mom Business positioned in places where Christmas Holiday shoppers can find you on the Internet? If not, I can help!Want to skip the blog post and get info on how you can get help marketing your mom business online? Go to the Mom Business Marketing page. ELSE, read this page to learn more about 2011 Holiday Season

Black Friday Blues & Mom Business Marketing

Got The Black Friday Blues ... Is Your Mom Business Ready?Black Friday is a day that I try to avoid, but it is virtually impossible with all of the sales flyers, television and Internet advertisement overwhelming my family with so called "Black Friday Deals" on stuff we do not need. My husband has been window shopping online all day. My tween keeps adding "stuff" to his Christmas list. I even