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Unfinished, unnamed hillfolk comic

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So I've had this comic idea that I've wanted to do for a few years now, but I can't seem to get it started. I have the three main characters more or less figured out, but I can't seem to get the story or style nailed down. If this comic actually existed, it'd be about three girls living in the Appalachian Mountains, sometime around the year 1900. I guess it's kind of inspired by all the things that they sing about in old country songs...religion, heartache, murder, mental illness, etc. All my favorite things. There's Cora, a fire and brimstone fanatic who cuts her own hair and sometimes does bad things, like set fires to stuff. She's basically good though. And the most fun to draw. Her "friend" is Shah, who lives alone in the mountains making moonshine and fighting off the inbred cannibals who live nearby. Shah likes animals and shooting people. The third character is a mysterious girl with no memory of her life before being found on a riv

Old and new

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Finally, some new stuff. A seaside-colored girl. Cora, being dreary. I've been drawing a lot of models lately. I think these ones are from the Urban Outfitters website and America's Next Top Model. Here's some sketchbook stuff I had posted earlier, before my blog crash. First are some criminal man heads. Renaissance faire girls. Johanna and Klara Söderberg from the Swedish band First Aid Kit. Thanks for coming back! Don't forget to check my Tumblr from time to time to see drawings and doodles that I don't always post here. ^u^

2009, sketchbook #1

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So here's when I started carrying actual sketchbooks around, instead of drawing on loose leaf paper. I think it unintentionally created a change in how I draw. On loose leaf paper, I could do a drawing, say "Oh, this sucks, I'll throw it out", and then start over. But you can't really filter in a sketchbook, unless you want to throw away the whole book, or rip pages out. In other words, it becomes less about "performing" on paper, and more about just drawing for yourself, which is a lot more freeing in a way. The drawings above were me trying to figure out a design for a mini-comic I wanted to do. I never got around to it, though. There are a lot of drawings of little Appalachian wall-eyed waifs in my sketchbooks. I think they're cute in a pathetic and sad way. High school friends. I also always meant to do a comic about these people. I have a bunch roughed out, but I never finished them. Happy Christmas! More soon!

2009 Post-it drawings

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2009 was another year with a lot of post-it drawings. Post-its are great for drawing because they're incredibly non-threatening. No one expects to draw their next masterpiece on a post-it. These next ones are characters from a personal comic project about hillbilly girls that I've had in the works for years now. I've got tons and tons of drawings of these guys, but I don't want to show too much until I've gotten a lot farther on the actual comic. I love drawing these girls. I look forward to being able to post more stuff from this project and getting real feedback from people. Anyhow, moving on to me and Luna.

2007, hillbilly and animal drawings

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Drawings of some of my favorite things. I still like these, even though they're kinda old now. I anticipate more Appalachian inspired drawings in the near future.