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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Son

Older Mom | Younger Grandmother

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet because that is how I feel about it. My son will be a father by the time he is 19 years old. This is not what I worked hard for nor could have imagined for his life. Yet, he has always made it clear that this is his life and he will do what he wants to do. I feel sadness and joy about this situation. I am going to be a Grandmother :) My 20 month old

Wordless Wednesday - Individualism - Thirteen Years Old Going On Thirty

Going Through Age 13 ... Again! Please Pray For Peace! My second son turned 13 years old a few weeks ago. He didn't want me to post any pictures of his "special day" nor does he want me taking any pictures of him anymore. These may be my last for a while. This part of 13 is really a drag ... I am sneaking in these pictures of him for Wordless Wednesday today and a few more blog posts about