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2010, sketchbook #5

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I'm nearly done with re-blogging all my old art! A lot of stuff was left out, but I got most the stuff I still kinda like. Anyhow, here's more sketchbook stuff from 2010. I like how the two girls in the bottom corner came out on the one above. These ones are kind of hard to see, but they're unfinished drawings of this feral little girl called Genie. Her story is really sad. Google her if you're in the mood to feel really shitty. Cats. Forest girls- one of my favorite things to draw besides hillbillies. Highschool friends. I still want to make some comics about the dumb stuff that went on back then, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to it for real. More coming soon!

2009 Post-it drawings

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2009 was another year with a lot of post-it drawings. Post-its are great for drawing because they're incredibly non-threatening. No one expects to draw their next masterpiece on a post-it. These next ones are characters from a personal comic project about hillbilly girls that I've had in the works for years now. I've got tons and tons of drawings of these guys, but I don't want to show too much until I've gotten a lot farther on the actual comic. I love drawing these girls. I look forward to being able to post more stuff from this project and getting real feedback from people. Anyhow, moving on to me and Luna.