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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Organic Foods

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

This is what I've been up to ... How about you? The past few months have been very busy for me. My family and I committed to an organic / natural lifestyle back in March 2012. This has taken a lot of research and major changes to how we shop, eat and live. The greatest challenge has been finding food that is really organic and really natural. We now shop between farms, stores and markets for the

Natural / Organic Food - Monsanto / Pesticide Free - Why Is It So Hard To Buy Local Foods

This is not a radical anti-establishment / horrible Monsanto post, that will come later. Mine is a story of guilt and anger over processed foods, genetically altered, pesticide & fast foods ... How could we let them do this to us? How could I ignore the facts and God's will? I have struggled with my weight since having children (18 years ago). This is not because I didn't eat my veges or