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Best Bath Toy for Toddlers | Perfect Gift

Munchkin Foam Letters and Numbers - Toddler's Favorite Bath Toy I would love to share the video of our baby in the tub, but my husband would kill me. So you'll just have to imagine our toddler's excitement at bath time based on what I explain here. He absolutely loves taking a bath and it is a fresh experience after going through the pre-teen years with a son that we had to bribe to take a

Happy 2013 New Year

2013 New Year Blessings I didn't get to write much towards the end of 2012 (busy busy busy) and started the 2013 New Year with the flu (yuck). I feel like I've really missed out on a lot in this short time. I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas. I miss hopping and chatting with you. Please make sure to leave a comment with your blog, so that I can read your Xmas posts and catch up with