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Baby's 1st Birthday | Happy Birthday Max

Baby's 1st Birthday ... Walking, Dancing, Singing, Hugging, KissingMy elders always explained that time moves faster when we are older. I did not understand until this month ... a whole year has passed and it feels like it was a whirl ... now, it is our baby's 1st first birthday. WOW!This feels like the fastest year of my life ... REALLY! As I put together the items for our baby's birthday party,

Happy Birthday Kellie | Maddie's Angel Mom

I haven't been feeling well. I though that I had swimmer's ear, but it is actually a middle ear infection that has been extremely painful and making me sick. I was pretty much bedridden, though did get to my computer a few times to check on things. During that time, I came across one of the saddest blog posts that I've ever read in my life. One line of it said the following:"Today is Kellie's