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Goodbye Red Bird ... Awkwaaaaaaaaaaaard :)

OUR LITTLE RED BIRD :) HE LOVES DRESSING UP IN THIS BIRD COSTUME. Dear Fuhu, Inc., Thank you so much for the wonderful commercial with the "Good morning red bird ..." song. It has been "played out" to the point that I thought we would never ever ever ever forget it ... every time we saw a red bird (mind you, we live in central Florida where cardinals are plentiful) ... I imagined us singing

Toddler OCD | Wordy Wordless Wednesday

Cars Turned In The Same Direction ... Always! I know this is Wordless Wednesday, but I am wondering if your 2 year old does this, too? This picture was taken a few weeks ago when I noticed that he was walking the cars over and facing them in the same direction. He has since graduated to lining the cars up against the wall with the fronts facing outwards or directly beside each other on the

Potty Training 2 Year Old Toddler Boy - Dad & Mom Are Doing The Potty Dance For Sure

It's a joyful week in the Hunt home :) Our toddler has started potty training; WOO HOO!!! Our younger teen has gone to bed at a decent time for the past few nights. My oldest son (who is sadly not talking to me) just had a baby girl named Harmony. Our dog made his first "autotune video", web work has been steady for me and I started a work at home business that is starting to grow. In fact, quite

Toddler Baby Had 104.7 Temperature - 1st Flu

Our 21 month old has been sick for 7 days total :( The nurses said it was the flu, but it seemed like something else because he only vomited when he had a bottle of milk and it was just little bits. I was scared that it was West Nile Virus (we're in Florida) or Meningitis. Aside of running to the store and getting what he needed, we all stayed in bed with him for 72 hours. His temperature was

Babys 1st Time Playing In Sprinkler w/ Brother (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love Is" ... Wordless Wednesday

This was our baby's 1st run in the sprinkler and he loved it! Water in his face, grass on his shoes and legs, toddler baby having a wonderful time playing in the water ... Big brother making the water sprinkler experience even more special for our baby. I watch and appreciate the beautiful relationship between brothers that are so far apart in age! Their love and my love for them ... it

Baby Won't Sleep - Toddler Will Not Nap

Our 18 Month Old Toddler Baby Won't Sleep I am blown away with frustration and fatigued these days. I just do not know what to do! Our toddler baby won't sleep alone anymore and he certainly does not like to nap at all. Well, let me rephrase that last statement. He does go to bed alone at 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm at night (after a little rocking by dad and a little crying once placed in bed), but he

Toddler Baby Bites, Pinches & Laughs

Our 17 month old toddler has 2 bad habits ... I cannot believe that I am saying this about our beautiful baby boy, though "it is what it is". Our 17 month old toddler baby bites, pinches and laughs like the Joker from Batman while he is doing it. These bad habits began a few months ago and are starting to slow down, though still exist. It hurts so badly that I cannot help saying "Ouch", "Ow"

15 Months Old Baby Milestones

Baby Max - 15 Months Old Toddler Boy It's been a while since I wrote a toddler milestones post, so I am excited to share more than pictures with you. 15 months is truly an incredible age. Although our son is considered a "toddler", he is still such a "baby" to us. He just does not understand nor communicate as well as the Sprout watching toddler that he is becoming. He is still teething, eating

Wordless Wednesday - Baby Carrier Picture - 14 Months / 3 Weeks Old - Baby Max

14 months 3 weeks old - He still fits in the baby carrier :) We were headed for an organic farm tour and decided to pull out the old baby carrier. We were not sure if Max would still fit and like the baby carrier. He did let us ride him in the carrier for quite a while until he wanted to get down to play with the dogs at the farm :) It is so funny to look at this picture and see how big he has

Wordless Wednesday - Baby's 1st Ice Cream Cone @ Chinese Restaurant (14 Months Old)

We haven't taken our baby out to a restaurant in 6 months. 1st because I get all freaked out that he's going to get sick from touching and trying to eat everything he touches. 2nd because there are no organic food restaurants where we live and 3rd because I worry about how the food is cooked ... I was outnumbered this time and ended up giving into my husband and 12 year old! We took the baby to

Wordless Wednesday - Bean Bag Baby

Our baby "chills" in the bean bag while watching Barney! He falls asleep on his own as long as the bean bag is near :) This is an AWESOME milestone for this active little boy! In Motherly Love, Mother Baby Child

13 Month Baby / Toddler - Extreme Child Proofing To Keep The Baby Safe For Home

Child Proofing AGAIN | Child Safety for 13 Month Old Toddler It feels like there is nothing that we can do to keep our 13 month old baby out of mischief! He is just one curious little boy that is usually on the go from 6:30 to 7:30 A.M. until he crashes around 4:00 P.M. He will nap for about an hour and then do it again until around 9:30 to 10:00 P.M. I feel like we are living in total hyper

Wordless Wednesday | Baby's 1st Long Walk

"Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!" ~ Forrest GumpSpreading his wings and keeping balance. Our baby is no longer an infant, but a toddler boy and establishing his independence. He loves the world; family, nature, family, toys, milk bottles and snuggling with mama, daddy and brother. This was

Wordless Wednesday | My Three Sons

It's Wordless Wednesday and moms worldwide are posting pictures of their children from the holidays. I am always a little wordy on Wednesdays ... LOL :) Here are my 3 sons posing their best at the photo studio. The woman photographer was impatient with my 12 year old and EVEN MADE HIM CRY, so I could not share all of the images. I would have left the studio,

Baby's 1st Birthday | Happy Birthday Max

Baby's 1st Birthday ... Walking, Dancing, Singing, Hugging, KissingMy elders always explained that time moves faster when we are older. I did not understand until this month ... a whole year has passed and it feels like it was a whirl ... now, it is our baby's 1st first birthday. WOW!This feels like the fastest year of my life ... REALLY! As I put together the items for our baby's birthday party,

Wordless Wednesday | Baby Loves Sitting Outside & Taking Long Walks In Stroller

Baby is the plants blowing in the breeze ...Baby is checking out his stroller ...Baby is watching the birds ...Baby is watching the cars and trucks ...Baby is checking out the neighbor's dog ...Baby is saying hello to the trucks and cars ...Happy Wordless Wednesday :) How Is Your Week Going?We are fortunate that our baby loves being outside as much as we do ... In fact, he loves being outside so

Wordless Wednesday | Resourceful Baby

ZSAZRQCWZGP2Watching Our Resourceful Baby Playing In The TentOur little baby is always carrying toys, bottles or bowls in his mouth, so that he can crawl freely and still have his play things at hand. This was his first time in a tent and he really enjoyed it; almost as much as Elmo and "Super Why". We liked watching him do his "resourceful baby" thing!Blog Hopping is such a fun way to get to

Exhausted Baby | Wordless Wednesday

Exhausted Baby Sleeping On Boppy PillowOK, I know this is Wordless Wednesday and a picture should say it all, but I have to share just a few words ... "I conquered" ... "I defeated" ... "I wore the baby out to the point that he put himself to sleep" - WOO HOO!!! I am so excited to share this picture because he has NOT been sleeping as much as I think that he should (two short naps and maybe up at

9 Months Old | Baby On The Go

9 months old is such an incredible age. I am praising God for blessing mewith 3 sons and for not having to be a single mother this time around.Nine month old babies are so active and personable that you would think they are toddlers, but they are not. At 9 months old, these babies are still infants with developmental needs that keep them our sweet, cuddly, little babies for months longer. I thank

9 Months Old Baby Milestones

Most 9 month old babies can sit well; developed balance. Most 9 month old babies can crawl well; stand by holding onto furniture or your leg; some babies start to walk by this age.Some drink from cups and can feed themselves finger foods and use a spoon with help. They are eating more solid foods at this time; maybe refusing baby foods that are too fine (have no texture or chunks).They can hold