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First Game, First Goals

C & H had their first soccer game today. Pre-K herdball to be sure. But they got it. The benefit of spending the last four years getting hauled to sibling soccer games is that you understand a little bit about the game before your parents throw you out there for their own entertainment. I'm not saying they're MLS-ready or anything but it was pretty great. And they each scored a goal! Here are the goals in all of their spectacular glory...

Mistaken Identity

The caption says this is Stewie from Family Guy. I'm pretty sure this is my youngest child.

Why I'm Crazy (Alternatively Titled, A Ride in the Car with My Children)

Sorry for the sideways orientation - this was from my phone and I have no idea how to fix it. Also, I know this is long but there are gems sprinkled throughout (including a terrific shot to the face at about the 5:01 mark...).

For Amy

I miss him already...

The Damnedest Thing

Remember the scooter from last week ? Well, this is what happened last night in my driveway when I was at a business dinner. He's three, y'all. Not almost four. Not even three-and-a-half yet. He still wears a pull-up at night. (And please forgive the no-shoes, no-helmet look - it was Dad and no one truly thought he was going to ride for real...)

Rock Chalk

Gotta love it! (Now if I can just get them to learn the Notre Dame fight song...)

Watch This.

Dude. Seriously? Maybe you've already seen this video. Apparently, these young girls performed at the halftime of an Army-Navy basketball game in February. Amazing. I smiled. I laughed. I gasped. I said "holy crap" out loud. I cried (I'll admit, I'm a total sap. But the sight of those cadets and midshipmen cheering like maniacs for little girls jumping rope? Verklempt over here.) And, I ultimately felt like an uncoordinated, out-of-shape mom of four whose pelvic floor muscles are too compromised after multiple pregnancies to even think about jumping rope for eight minutes without Depends (Did I just say that out loud? Moms of three and four kids, I know you know what I'm talking about though...) Enough about my bladder. Here they are:

Another Video That I May Be Late In Discovering

I dare you to NOT start tapping your toes while listening to this little gem.

If Swearing Offends You, Please Don't Watch This

If, on the other hand, you really like swearing, then by all means...

Guest Post by My Husband

My husband doesn't blog. Doesn't really understand what a blog is. But I took some video footage of the little guys today and he just put together this perfect picture of life with C and H...