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Wordless Wednesday - Baby's 1st Ice Cream Cone @ Chinese Restaurant (14 Months Old)

We haven't taken our baby out to a restaurant in 6 months. 1st because I get all freaked out that he's going to get sick from touching and trying to eat everything he touches. 2nd because there are no organic food restaurants where we live and 3rd because I worry about how the food is cooked ... I was outnumbered this time and ended up giving into my husband and 12 year old! We took the baby to

Beyonce Breastfeeding In Public - So What! Nurse Baby Blue Public Bathroom? No Way!

Blue Ivy Carter (Source: helloblueivycarter.tumblr.com) Beyonce Nurses Baby Blue At Restaurant ... SO WHAT!!! Baby Blue Ivy Was Hungry While She Was Out To Lunch. #Breastfeeding Advocates Proud of Beyonce - Celebrity Mom Plz Be An Example of #Change I am a somewhat antisocial and private mother in my offline world. I don't like people watching me play outside with my 14 month old. I avoid