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Babys 1st Time Playing In Sprinkler w/ Brother (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love Is" ... Wordless Wednesday

This was our baby's 1st run in the sprinkler and he loved it! Water in his face, grass on his shoes and legs, toddler baby having a wonderful time playing in the water ... Big brother making the water sprinkler experience even more special for our baby. I watch and appreciate the beautiful relationship between brothers that are so far apart in age! Their love and my love for them ... it

Toddler Baby Bites, Pinches & Laughs

Our 17 month old toddler has 2 bad habits ... I cannot believe that I am saying this about our beautiful baby boy, though "it is what it is". Our 17 month old toddler baby bites, pinches and laughs like the Joker from Batman while he is doing it. These bad habits began a few months ago and are starting to slow down, though still exist. It hurts so badly that I cannot help saying "Ouch", "Ow"

Wordless Wednesday | Beautiful Baby Mess

Maybe I should start calling these "Wordy Wednesday" blog posts :) BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY POEM by Lea Hunt Baby runs laps in the living room; every pillow and blanket ends up spread around. White teeth while smiling and laughing, "Hi Mama", "Hi Dada", "Hi Ra Ra" (brother) ... mornings are filled with beautiful baby sounds. Baby playing with his favorite toys; scattered on the floor with such

Wordless Wednesday | Resourceful Baby

ZSAZRQCWZGP2Watching Our Resourceful Baby Playing In The TentOur little baby is always carrying toys, bottles or bowls in his mouth, so that he can crawl freely and still have his play things at hand. This was his first time in a tent and he really enjoyed it; almost as much as Elmo and "Super Why". We liked watching him do his "resourceful baby" thing!Blog Hopping is such a fun way to get to