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Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr

God, give us grace to accept with serenitythe things that cannot be changed,Courage to change the thingswhich should be changed,and the Wisdom to distinguishthe one from the other.Living one day at a time,Enjoying one moment at a time,Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,Taking, as Jesus did,This sinful world as it is,Not as I would have it,Trusting that You will make all things right,If I

Wang Yue / YueYue Has Died | China Beyond

"Beyond" for Five Minute Friday Blog PostBeyond the refuge of my little life, is a family that is mourning the loss of their child because of negligence, lack of empathy and honor. 2 year old Wang Yue / YueYue died today. Her poor little body to weak to fight; her brain dead from the traumatic incident of being run over by 2 vehicles and left for dead by 18 people that were afraid to help the

Wang Yue "Yue Yue" | Wordless Wednesday

YUE YUE ... WHY THIS PICTURE?Are you here for Wordless Wednesday? Great! Please comment here and not on the Prayer & Thoughts page. Thank you so much!"Why this picture?" Join the discussion started on the Prayers & Thoughts blog post. In Motherly Love,Mother Baby Child

2 Year Old Chinese Baby Hit By Two Cars & Left To Die | Please Pray For This Little Girl

WARNING: THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDRENMoms, this blog post is dedicated to prayer for the family of Yueyue (Wang Yue). She is the 2 year old baby, that was hit by a van and truck on October 15, 2011 in Guangzhou Foshan China. Both of the drivers and 18 pedestrians left this toddler to die on the street (well, one pulled her out of the street towards the trash). Unfortunately, her mother

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day | Candle Lighting | Angel Moms Babies

I have been waiting all week to write this blog, but not my heart is so burdened by the remembrance it will bring that it is a little difficult to share this information on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.What is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day?It is a day of remembrance for those who have lost a baby to death / SIDS as well as for those who have had a miscarriage or

Proverbs 31:10–31 | Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character, The Virtuous Woman, The Virtuous Wife, Mother & Prayer

Proverbs 31:10–31 NIV10 A wife of noble character who can find?She is worth far more than rubies.11 Her husband has full confidence in herand lacks nothing of value.12 She brings him good, not harm,all the days of her life.13 She selects wool and flaxand works with eager hands.14 She is like the merchant ships,bringing her food from afar.15 She gets up while it is still night;she provides food

Happy Birthday Kellie | Maddie's Angel Mom

I haven't been feeling well. I though that I had swimmer's ear, but it is actually a middle ear infection that has been extremely painful and making me sick. I was pretty much bedridden, though did get to my computer a few times to check on things. During that time, I came across one of the saddest blog posts that I've ever read in my life. One line of it said the following:"Today is Kellie's