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Watercolors, French girls, sociopathy

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Finally, some new stuff. Here are some girlie watercolors I did tonight. I've been in a big drawing rut for a while now, but forced myself to draw while I watched this French 70's movie, "Don't Deliver Us From Evil." I've wanted to get away from just drawing girls, but the two main actresses were too cool looking not to draw. Here are some Post-It drawings of Anne (Jeanne Goupil), a long-limbed sociopathic school girl. She's not always this deadpan in the movie. Also, a warning- while this movie is interesting to watch, I had a hard time getting through it because of some disturbing themes, and some really horrible treatment towards animals. I really don't deal well with that type of thing. So if you're sensitive about that sort of thing, maybe skip this one. Part of me would like to re-watch the movie and do some more drawings of the other main actress as well, but I'm not sure that'll happen anytime soon. Here's one more waterc

2009 Post-it drawings

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2009 was another year with a lot of post-it drawings. Post-its are great for drawing because they're incredibly non-threatening. No one expects to draw their next masterpiece on a post-it. These next ones are characters from a personal comic project about hillbilly girls that I've had in the works for years now. I've got tons and tons of drawings of these guys, but I don't want to show too much until I've gotten a lot farther on the actual comic. I love drawing these girls. I look forward to being able to post more stuff from this project and getting real feedback from people. Anyhow, moving on to me and Luna.

2008, Women of Star Trek post-its

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There's this amazing photo set on Flickr that I stumbled upon one day called "The Galactically Hot Women of Star Trek" , and it inspired a ton of post-it drawings. Here's most of them, in no order. I sure drew some weird eyes around this time. I was selling a poster that was made up of these on my Etsy store, but ran out of them. I wonder if I should reprint some? I need more stuff for my shop. Anyhow, thanks once again for coming back. I'm getting closer to being done with these posts of old drawings, which means new art should be up soon!

2008, Harry Potter fan art and post-its

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I did a lot of fan art and drawings on post-its in 2008, apparently. Here's a bunch of Harry Potter fan art, a lot of which (witch?) are on post-its. There's Hermione (Emma Watson)... Lavender Brown (Jessie Cave)... ...and a whole bunch of Ginnie Weasley (Bonnie Wright). Luna Lovegood, played by Evanna Lynch, is one of my favorite HP characters, so I drew her quite a bit (and named my cat after her as well). Here's one of Bellatrix, played by Helena Bonham Carter. (Boooooo!) I have more Harry Potter fan art, but I did those a couple years later so I'll post them separately.