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Ten Years

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My husband and I were lucky enough to get away for four days this past weekend. San Francisco. Our ten-year anniversary. We had a good time. It was nice to be kid-less for a few days. It was nice to sleep in and take naps. It was nice to explore a city we've never visited. And to eat and drink non-stop. But mostly, it was nice to spend four whole days with the person I chose to share my life's journey with. I'm not generally a sappy person but, hey, ten years. I am very lucky to have found this man. We're not perfect. But it works. I love him more today than I did the day I married him. We're a good team. We understand each other. We enjoy each other. And, the craziness of every day life can obscure that sometimes. But we do a pretty good job of recharging - even just by going on a date from time to time. This weekend was a solid recharge. One funny thing we did this weekend: I found the notebooks we wrote in during our Engaged Encounter weekend ten years ago. I pac

Guest Post by My Husband

My husband doesn't blog. Doesn't really understand what a blog is. But I took some video footage of the little guys today and he just put together this perfect picture of life with C and H...

This Is What I Woke Up To Today

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My children in their pajamas* playing poker with my husband at the kitchen table. With betting. I'm not even sure what to say about that. Except that it made me laugh and get the camera. They're obsessed. *G is wearing long flannel pajamas. It is July in Kansas. I have no idea what that's all about. It makes me sweaty just to look at him.

At the Zoo

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My people. A whole afternoon with just my five favorite people. (And the animals and other freaks at the zoo.)

Happy Father's Day!

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The father of my four funny kids. (What you can't see is that, having heard the lens auto-focus, he was flipping me off just out of range. It was such a tender moment.)

June in Kansas

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People all over town are bitching about the cooler temps we've had so far this summer. "It's June, I'm tired of the rain, It should be hot, blah, blah, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, blergh." Talk to me in mid-July, jerks. It'll be so fucking hot on the baseball diamond bleachers that the sweat will be running down your back and into your butt crack like Niagara Falls. And then you'll be bitching about the heat and the electric bill and your hair and the humidity. So, bite me. I like this mild weather. It enables us to live outside and enjoy our yard without changing clothes three times a day due to sweat. The little boys love to eat out on the deck. A very nutritious lunch of hot dogs (with ketchup, yum!), pretzel sticks and apple sauce. A stalker in the trees below the deck: Oh hi! It's just Dad, pruning dead branches off the redbud. This is why I like a mild June after a very rainy spring. This is my backyard, people! It's heavenly. Except for the

A Rockin' Wednesday Night at Our House

We have a largely finished basement but there is a portion (it's actually under the garage) that is still unfinished and we call it the dungeon. The dungeon is where all of J's music equipment is - you might remember that he plays in a band from this post or this post . The kids are only allowed back there when one of us is with them - so it's a big treat. All four of them like to play the electronic drums. The bigger ones are showing some interest in learning to play the guitar. Here is a glimpse into some family time in the dungeon: J on the Drums on Vimeo . My 39-year-old playing the drums - and a few other folks. The tricycle that H is riding? Was mine as a toddler. And I didn't realize how anti-paparazzi C is. M was there (you saw her briefly) but I think G was reading a book somewhere. Shortly after this was recorded, we left for Red Lobster . (And if you enjoyed reading about Red Lobster, you might need to check out the Red Lobster Server blog . Oh. My. God.)

So Curious

My husband is at the lake with a friend on a fishing trip this weekend. He called earlier and said that it was raining, so they would be staying in tonight instead of night-fishing for catfish. (Yeah. I don't know either. Weird.) So, I got the kids to bed. I cleaned the kitchen. I sat down to watch Iron Chef America (which was super-lame, by the way. Does it always suck?) and the phone rang. It was 10:20pm. "Hey. Quick question. Is Jose Feliciano blind?" "Yes." "I knew it! Thanks." Wow. Big night at the lake. A bit later, I got a text. "When did Gitmo open?" Two 39 year old drunk guys. Smelling like fish. Eating chicken. Drinking beer. Talking about visually-impaired guitarist-singers and enemy combatants.

My 3 Favorite People over the Age of 5

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It is 60 degrees here today. My husband wore shorts and a T-shirt while he worked on another home improvement project in the driveway. The neighbor was just outside, walking the dog, in shorts and flip-flops. And my three favorite people who can speak in intelligible, complete sentences (...most of the time - I'm looking at you, J) are downstairs on the patio, hanging out. The temperature is dropping a little bit, so they've got a blanket. I wish every day could be like this one. ******** In other news, my almost 6 year old told me that our house is "kinda rich." I asked her what she meant and she told me "You know, it's pretty fancy." We do have a nice house in a nice neighborhood but I was appalled. We had to have a quick and dirty talk about bragging, showing off and the like. Here's hoping some of it sticks.