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Your Baby Can Read - Week 2

Your Baby Can Read - Week 2 - 1/23/2012 to 1/29/2012 I am now reporting our son's second week using Your Baby Can Read. He just turned 13 months old and has been using this early reading system for 9 days as of 1/29/2012 (he only watched the video and used the sliding word cards for two days on the first week). I will post these reviews on Tuesdays, so that I can share the information during "

Your Baby Can Read - Week 1

Your Baby Can Read ... Can Our Baby Read, Too? Watch 1st Week Video Towards The Middle Of This Blog Post I am embarrassed to say that I am addicted to infomercials and do watch the commercials between shows. I'm not as bad as my mother who buys from the TV, but I have been more than grateful for the Swivel Sweeper, Chopper and other great As Seen On TV products that she has bought me over

Netflix For Baby Clothes? Do You Buy It?

Check out this cute video and tell me what you think! * Please note that I am not a customer nor receive payment for sharing information on Plum Gear. I just think it is a nice resource for parents and have read good reviews.Plum Gear is a new business that is quickly creating a buzz as the "Netflix for Baby Clothes" for children ages 0 to 2 years old. The offer a cute selection of organically

2 Year Old Chinese Baby Hit By Two Cars & Left To Die | Please Pray For This Little Girl

WARNING: THIS VIDEO IS NOT FOR YOUNG CHILDRENMoms, this blog post is dedicated to prayer for the family of Yueyue (Wang Yue). She is the 2 year old baby, that was hit by a van and truck on October 15, 2011 in Guangzhou Foshan China. Both of the drivers and 18 pedestrians left this toddler to die on the street (well, one pulled her out of the street towards the trash). Unfortunately, her mother

Onward & Forward | 8 Months Old Baby Max

Video of our baby at 8 months old (I love his smile here)Our baby will turn 9 months on September 27th. I am feeling both melancholy and excited because 8 months was such an incredible age. I am sad that our sweet little baby has to grow up. I am excited by how much he developed this month and how much more we have to look forward to in years to come. I am embarrassed to admit that I had

Has My Infant Been Talking To Me? Baby Talk

Picture of Baby Talking - Baby Max - 7 Weeks Old - February 2011 I am an infomercial addict ... especially when it comes to "kid stuff"!  Yes, I know that some people think that infomercials are a horrible waste of time and I rarely do buy anything from them, but I LOVE learning about all of those "useful", new and amazing products. One of my absolute favorite infomercials is Your Baby Can