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Wordless Wednesday | Beautiful Baby Mess

Maybe I should start calling these "Wordy Wednesday" blog posts :) BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY POEM by Lea Hunt Baby runs laps in the living room; every pillow and blanket ends up spread around. White teeth while smiling and laughing, "Hi Mama", "Hi Dada", "Hi Ra Ra" (brother) ... mornings are filled with beautiful baby sounds. Baby playing with his favorite toys; scattered on the floor with such

Wordless Wednesday | Baby Loves Sitting Outside & Taking Long Walks In Stroller

Baby is the plants blowing in the breeze ...Baby is checking out his stroller ...Baby is watching the birds ...Baby is watching the cars and trucks ...Baby is checking out the neighbor's dog ...Baby is saying hello to the trucks and cars ...Happy Wordless Wednesday :) How Is Your Week Going?We are fortunate that our baby loves being outside as much as we do ... In fact, he loves being outside so

Exhausted Baby | Wordless Wednesday

Exhausted Baby Sleeping On Boppy PillowOK, I know this is Wordless Wednesday and a picture should say it all, but I have to share just a few words ... "I conquered" ... "I defeated" ... "I wore the baby out to the point that he put himself to sleep" - WOO HOO!!! I am so excited to share this picture because he has NOT been sleeping as much as I think that he should (two short naps and maybe up at

4 Month Doctor Appointment

Picture of Baby Max - 4 Months Old - April 2011 - Sits up with support, plays with toys, smiles / laughs out loud, eats cereal, coos, loves watching the Sprout channel. Max just had his 4 month check up and it went well. I have to admit that I was not thrilled about having to take him to get his immunizations (his father handled his 6 week well baby appointment). I hate to see them hurt my baby

Has My Infant Been Talking To Me? Baby Talk

Picture of Baby Talking - Baby Max - 7 Weeks Old - February 2011 I am an infomercial addict ... especially when it comes to "kid stuff"!  Yes, I know that some people think that infomercials are a horrible waste of time and I rarely do buy anything from them, but I LOVE learning about all of those "useful", new and amazing products. One of my absolute favorite infomercials is Your Baby Can

Should I Give My Baby A Pacifier?

Picture of Newborn Baby Max - 2 Days Old - December 2011 Although the nurse advised against my using a pacifer in the hospital, I am SO GLAD that I made her bring us one. I also suggest that all breastfeeding mothers have one ready once their baby is comfortable feeding and doing well with it. In our case, my baby was able to distinguish between whether he wanted to nurse or suckle by the time