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Jay-Z and Beyonce | Baby Girl Born

Congrats to Jay-Z and Beyonce on healthy baby girl ... We are waiting for the official announcement ... what's her name?I guess that I have to use the dad's age as an excuse to post Beyonce's baby announcement on this 35 & over blog ... LOL ... HE IS over 40 after all :) On the other hand, the diva mom has had her 1st baby at the ripe age of 30 ... God Bless and HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Beyonce

Follow Friday | Blog Hop, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube | October 6, 2011

Would you believe that I forgot that it's Friday?Yep, someone just reminded me by phone ... She laughed at me because I NEVER know what day it is anymore. It seems that I get lost in my own little world here with family life and work. Deadlines I get by working a head. Bedtimes are according to Sprout shows. I get the news and date by phone. Yet, I never know what day it is anymore ... Alas, it