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Start Getting Into Shape Before Summer - Exercise Contest / Weight Loss Giveaway

Are you TOO READY to take off some weight before summer and then keep losing weight during the summer, so that you can make this the last year? It really stinks being overweight each summer! I say this from experience and pray that this will be your year to take control of your health :) Many of us feel this way each day and just do not have the support to get started! If you struggle SO HARD

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

This is what I've been up to ... How about you? The past few months have been very busy for me. My family and I committed to an organic / natural lifestyle back in March 2012. This has taken a lot of research and major changes to how we shop, eat and live. The greatest challenge has been finding food that is really organic and really natural. We now shop between farms, stores and markets for the

Autism Awareness Day | Autism Awareness Month | Pinterest Pin For Autism

April 2nd - World Autism Awareness Day - Autism Awareness Month Today is Autism Awareness Day which kicks off Authism Awareness Month 2012. I wrote about Autism Day last year, and a little about my experience with having a child within spectrum(s). I encourage you to learn more about AUTISM and comment with your resources, so that more people know what to watch for in children, family and

Natural / Organic Food - Monsanto / Pesticide Free - Why Is It So Hard To Buy Local Foods

This is not a radical anti-establishment / horrible Monsanto post, that will come later. Mine is a story of guilt and anger over processed foods, genetically altered, pesticide & fast foods ... How could we let them do this to us? How could I ignore the facts and God's will? I have struggled with my weight since having children (18 years ago). This is not because I didn't eat my veges or

My Husband Wants Me Fat

OK, I'm airing my dirty laundry AGAIN and I am curious to know if anyone else can relate? This is starting to become a real issue ...Aside of looking over to my right and seeing his dirty socks on the floor ... AGAIN (read my previous Dirty Laundry blog post), I am having a problem. I think that my husband wants me fat and is trying to keep me fat to make himself feel better ... REALLY!!! He is

Autism Awareness Month - April

I watched CBS's The Talk, for the first time, the other day (April 1st). This episode was to recognize Autism Awareness Month with Holly Robinson Peete (21 Jump Street, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, For Your Love) as their leading advocate for families living with autism. This subject hits close to home as my middle child was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD with one doctor insisting that he had ASD (High

Autism Awareness Day - April 2

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day - How can you help? Autism does not discriminate. It affects people of all nations, but some people with autism suffer terrible discrimination, abuse and isolation. Autism is a complex disorder, though we can see improvements with the right treatments. That is why it is so important to raise awareness to better meet the needs of people with autism.


WHAT IS AUTISM / AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER? Autism is a bio-neurological disorder that is detectable in early childhood. It is a "spectrum disorder" that has varied characteristics of abnormal social interaction and communication, restricted interests, highly repetitive and eccentric behaviors. AUTISM FACTS & STATS In 2011, it was 1 in every 110 children diagnosed with autism in this country.

Weight Loss - Losing Weight After Pregnancy

Our baby is almost 2 months old. Sleep, life and work is almost back to "normal". The 6 week waiting period has passed and I am ready to lose this pregnancy weight. Some has come off naturally and I am still drumming up the motivation to get started with an exercise routine. It is not that I don't want to lose weight. I am certainly not in denial about needing to lose the pregnancy weight. It