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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn photoshop

Post that has nothing to do with Valentine's

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The next few posts I want to do will be about my hillbilly comic characters, but since I still need to go digging to find them, here are some drawings that were originally put up on my Tumblr . Here's Anne and Lore from Don't Deliver Us From Evil (again). I post a lot of weird little post-its and work doodles on my Tumblr. Most of the stuff on there doesn't make it to my blog. Here's a new character from my Skadi comic. I do this kind of stuff when I'm at work waiting for a new assignment. It took me a while to figure out how Tumblr worked, and why anyone would want to use it, but it's actually pretty neat. Doodled on a windy day. Come back soon to see more hillbilly stuff! Thanks guys!

New drawing and new postcards for sale

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I made this drawing in Photoshop for fun, and ended up kind of liking it. The original sketchbook version is always better though, at least to me. Anyhow, I thought it would look cute as a little print, so I got four more drawings together and made a postcard set that you can buy on my Etsy shop . Each one is shiny and colorful and about 4" x 6". Here are the other ones...all stuff I've posted before, but tweaked to be more "print worthy." I am making larger prints of some of these that will also be on my Etsy store shortly. I'm also working on some new Skadi prints. You can click this drawing to go to the shop! Thanks! Also, thanks for all the encouragement on my last post. I'll definitely be posting more drawings from my hill folk project soon.

Photoshop boredom

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When I'm not inspired to draw, sometimes I'll pick a drawing and clean it up in Photoshop for fun. I had posted these right before I lost all my blog content, so sorry if this post seems repetitive or boring. The next post I do will have actual new drawings. I wanted to do a short comic about the girl above, but never got around to it. :/ The above drawing was an unused design for an animated pilot. Again, next post will be new stuff! I'd better get drawing...