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My Husband Wants Me Fat

OK, I'm airing my dirty laundry AGAIN and I am curious to know if anyone else can relate? This is starting to become a real issue ...Aside of looking over to my right and seeing his dirty socks on the floor ... AGAIN (read my previous Dirty Laundry blog post), I am having a problem. I think that my husband wants me fat and is trying to keep me fat to make himself feel better ... REALLY!!! He is

Dirty Laundry | I'm Airing My Dirty Laundry

OK, MOMMIES ... I'M AIRING MY DIRTY LAUNDRY TODAY ... CAN YOU RELATE?For once, in a very long time, I have finished ALL of the laundry before more made it into the laundry basket. WOO HOO!!! We go through a massive amount of laundry; especially bibs, bed pads, washing rags and towels since the baby was born. My younger son always has laundry because he has always included clean clothes in his