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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Baby Sleeping

Baby Won't Sleep - Toddler Will Not Nap

Our 18 Month Old Toddler Baby Won't Sleep I am blown away with frustration and fatigued these days. I just do not know what to do! Our toddler baby won't sleep alone anymore and he certainly does not like to nap at all. Well, let me rephrase that last statement. He does go to bed alone at 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm at night (after a little rocking by dad and a little crying once placed in bed), but he

Wordless Wednesday - Bean Bag Baby

Our baby "chills" in the bean bag while watching Barney! He falls asleep on his own as long as the bean bag is near :) This is an AWESOME milestone for this active little boy! In Motherly Love, Mother Baby Child

Brother Loves Me | Wordless Wednesday

Wordless WednesdayDid I comment on your blog this week? Did it mention that I've linked your blog to this Wordless Wednesday post? I had so much fun hopping and meeting moms, that I decided to create a BLOG HOP page for everyone to use. I have added your Wordless Wednesday banners / buttons to this page: http://motherbabychild.blogspot.com/p/blog-hop.html - Please make sure to grab my button, so