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Day 1: Thankful for you!

November is here and I want to share my gratitude as this is the time year. I am always thankful for the family, friends and blessings; even more so when I look back from November 2012 until now. I want to thank you for subscribing to Mother Baby Child and thank you for all of your awesome mom blog posts, friendships and tutorials, too. I have learned so much from you. Plus, you have stuck with

2010, sketchbook #5

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I'm nearly done with re-blogging all my old art! A lot of stuff was left out, but I got most the stuff I still kinda like. Anyhow, here's more sketchbook stuff from 2010. I like how the two girls in the bottom corner came out on the one above. These ones are kind of hard to see, but they're unfinished drawings of this feral little girl called Genie. Her story is really sad. Google her if you're in the mood to feel really shitty. Cats. Forest girls- one of my favorite things to draw besides hillbillies. Highschool friends. I still want to make some comics about the dumb stuff that went on back then, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to it for real. More coming soon!

2009, sketchbook #1

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So here's when I started carrying actual sketchbooks around, instead of drawing on loose leaf paper. I think it unintentionally created a change in how I draw. On loose leaf paper, I could do a drawing, say "Oh, this sucks, I'll throw it out", and then start over. But you can't really filter in a sketchbook, unless you want to throw away the whole book, or rip pages out. In other words, it becomes less about "performing" on paper, and more about just drawing for yourself, which is a lot more freeing in a way. The drawings above were me trying to figure out a design for a mini-comic I wanted to do. I never got around to it, though. There are a lot of drawings of little Appalachian wall-eyed waifs in my sketchbooks. I think they're cute in a pathetic and sad way. High school friends. I also always meant to do a comic about these people. I have a bunch roughed out, but I never finished them. Happy Christmas! More soon!

Petting Zoo Comic

I finished it early! That means I do studio work all day tomorrow. AND I learned that it takes about 5 times longer for me to color in Photoshop than it does in Flash or with marker. No more Photoshop coloring until I learn how to do it the easy way. Anyway this comic is a true story! Em swears she didn't say "I'm not responsible for this!!!" but I totally remember hearing it, and since it's funny to me I kept it in. I'm sure she'll chew me out later. Some more fun: here is the photo taken of Em, 6 seconds before she got yelled at and fell off of the poo barrel. I wish I'd taken one of the aftermath, but I was pretty flustered. Don't kill me, highschool friends!! I'm tired...goodnight! U__U ~~~~~ z z z z


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Whew, this is gonna be a long post!! It's probably going to get me in trouble, too! Well, anyone that knows me knows that I'm very (maybe annoyingly) nostalgic. I actually really enjoyed highschool, and really miss it. I had it really easy...I somehow managed to pass without ever turning in homework and ditching half my classes to spend my afternoon at the lake. No responsibilities at all!! I want to go back!! Anyhow, this above drawing is supposed to be me and my friend Em when we went as Sailor Scouts for halloween. More Em! Here is realistic Emli. She's fun to draw because she has real-life cartoon eyes- the kind that are huge with lots of shines and long eyelashes! I like her because she is smart and funny and good at a lots of things. A little more cartoony...this blonde one above is "Cancer Victim Emli." At least that's what my mom called her when we washed the bleach out. I thought she looked cute though! These are drawn from memory, and the little din