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Newborn Pictures - Baby Smile - Baby Smiles

Isn't this one of the cutest pictures in the world? I am always amazed at how infant photographers get these babies to look so natural in their photos ... yes, this is just a neonatal smile ... but it is a darn good one, isn't it? Just an adorable shot! BTW, researchers now say that newborn babies' smiles aren't just gas, but real smiles develop at 2 to 8 weeks.HERE IS MY NEWBORN BABY'S PICTURE:

Newborn Baby Smile

Neonatal Smiling OR Do babies show emotion in the first few weeks?My mother reminded me that newborn babies do not smile. It is said that a newborn baby displays a spontaneous reflex that appears to be an intentional smile, though it is not an actual sign of affection. This is referred to as neonatal smiling. Neonatal smiles occur when the baby is sleeping and during the time when he / she is