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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn 1 Year Old

Wordless Wednesday - Baby's 1st Ice Cream Cone @ Chinese Restaurant (14 Months Old)

We haven't taken our baby out to a restaurant in 6 months. 1st because I get all freaked out that he's going to get sick from touching and trying to eat everything he touches. 2nd because there are no organic food restaurants where we live and 3rd because I worry about how the food is cooked ... I was outnumbered this time and ended up giving into my husband and 12 year old! We took the baby to

13 Month Baby / Toddler - Extreme Child Proofing To Keep The Baby Safe For Home

Child Proofing AGAIN | Child Safety for 13 Month Old Toddler It feels like there is nothing that we can do to keep our 13 month old baby out of mischief! He is just one curious little boy that is usually on the go from 6:30 to 7:30 A.M. until he crashes around 4:00 P.M. He will nap for about an hour and then do it again until around 9:30 to 10:00 P.M. I feel like we are living in total hyper

Your Baby Can Read - Week 3

Your Baby Can Read - Week 3 - 1/30/2012 to 2/5/2012 This is our 3rd week using Your Baby Can Read and I am excited to share our experience with the program. It is becoming part of our baby's daily routine and he seems to enjoy watching the video now. I did not think that he liked the video as much as using the Sliding Word Cards in Week 1 and Week 2, but we can see how relaxed he is now. His

Your Baby Can Read - Week 2

Your Baby Can Read - Week 2 - 1/23/2012 to 1/29/2012 I am now reporting our son's second week using Your Baby Can Read. He just turned 13 months old and has been using this early reading system for 9 days as of 1/29/2012 (he only watched the video and used the sliding word cards for two days on the first week). I will post these reviews on Tuesdays, so that I can share the information during "

Your Baby Can Read - Week 1

Your Baby Can Read ... Can Our Baby Read, Too? Watch 1st Week Video Towards The Middle Of This Blog Post I am embarrassed to say that I am addicted to infomercials and do watch the commercials between shows. I'm not as bad as my mother who buys from the TV, but I have been more than grateful for the Swivel Sweeper, Chopper and other great As Seen On TV products that she has bought me over

Wordless Wednesday | Baby's 1st Long Walk

"Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!" ~ Forrest GumpSpreading his wings and keeping balance. Our baby is no longer an infant, but a toddler boy and establishing his independence. He loves the world; family, nature, family, toys, milk bottles and snuggling with mama, daddy and brother. This was

Baby's 1st Birthday | Happy Birthday Max

Baby's 1st Birthday ... Walking, Dancing, Singing, Hugging, KissingMy elders always explained that time moves faster when we are older. I did not understand until this month ... a whole year has passed and it feels like it was a whirl ... now, it is our baby's 1st first birthday. WOW!This feels like the fastest year of my life ... REALLY! As I put together the items for our baby's birthday party,