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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn 1 Corinthians

Babys 1st Time Playing In Sprinkler w/ Brother (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love Is" ... Wordless Wednesday

This was our baby's 1st run in the sprinkler and he loved it! Water in his face, grass on his shoes and legs, toddler baby having a wonderful time playing in the water ... Big brother making the water sprinkler experience even more special for our baby. I watch and appreciate the beautiful relationship between brothers that are so far apart in age! Their love and my love for them ... it

Natural / Organic Food - Monsanto / Pesticide Free - Why Is It So Hard To Buy Local Foods

This is not a radical anti-establishment / horrible Monsanto post, that will come later. Mine is a story of guilt and anger over processed foods, genetically altered, pesticide & fast foods ... How could we let them do this to us? How could I ignore the facts and God's will? I have struggled with my weight since having children (18 years ago). This is not because I didn't eat my veges or