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Mariah Carey Had Twins On Her Anniversary - #dembabies - April 30, 2011 - Nick Cannon

Looks like we can finally add Mariah Carey to celebrity moms list ... Woo Hoo! Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey gave birth to twins at 12:07 p.m. today, Saturday, April 30, 2011. The baby girl was born first at 5 pounds 3 ounces / 18 inches long. The baby boy came second weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces / 19 inches long. Both babies are healthy and mom is doing just fine ... Mariah Carey's representative,

Has My Infant Been Talking To Me? Baby Talk

Picture of Baby Talking - Baby Max - 7 Weeks Old - February 2011 I am an infomercial addict ... especially when it comes to "kid stuff"!  Yes, I know that some people think that infomercials are a horrible waste of time and I rarely do buy anything from them, but I LOVE learning about all of those "useful", new and amazing products. One of my absolute favorite infomercials is Your Baby Can

Dunstan Baby Language

Dunstan Baby Language is a system that explains how you can learn your baby's secret language, so that you both can get well needed sleep ... "All newborn babies produce 5 distinct "pre-cry" sounds that signal their 5 most important needs. By listening for these subtle cries, you are able to prevent the crying from even starting. Dunstan Baby Language System will teach you to identify exactly

Newborn Pictures - Baby Smile - Baby Smiles

Isn't this one of the cutest pictures in the world? I am always amazed at how infant photographers get these babies to look so natural in their photos ... yes, this is just a neonatal smile ... but it is a darn good one, isn't it? Just an adorable shot! BTW, researchers now say that newborn babies' smiles aren't just gas, but real smiles develop at 2 to 8 weeks.HERE IS MY NEWBORN BABY'S PICTURE:

Newborn Bowel Movements - Newborn Poop & Pee - Changing Diapers Is Not Fun!

One of the troubling issues is whether a newborn is going to the bathroom enough and what to expect on a daily basis. Our hospital has us track the "wet diapers" and "bowel movements" for the 3 days we were in the hospital. It was a little annoying at times, but it reminded us to pay attention and know what to expect from our newborn. This is a guide that you can use to make sure that all is well

Should I Give My Baby A Pacifier?

Picture of Newborn Baby Max - 2 Days Old - December 2011 Although the nurse advised against my using a pacifer in the hospital, I am SO GLAD that I made her bring us one. I also suggest that all breastfeeding mothers have one ready once their baby is comfortable feeding and doing well with it. In our case, my baby was able to distinguish between whether he wanted to nurse or suckle by the time

Newborn Baby Smile

Neonatal Smiling OR Do babies show emotion in the first few weeks?My mother reminded me that newborn babies do not smile. It is said that a newborn baby displays a spontaneous reflex that appears to be an intentional smile, though it is not an actual sign of affection. This is referred to as neonatal smiling. Neonatal smiles occur when the baby is sleeping and during the time when he / she is

1st Doctor Appointment

Newborn picture of Baby Max - January 2011 Max had his 1st well baby check up and I sure had mixed feelings about it. One part of me hated our medical system and the insensitive health officials that say that we should take our babies to a doctors office a week after they are born. Sick people go to doctors ... it should not include newborn babies. On the other hand, I was anxious to confirm

Our Baby Boy Born 12-27-2010

OUR SON WAS BORN HEALTHY ... PRAISE GOD!After all of the long months of wondering if the doctor, nurses and ultrasound staff knew what they were doing, I gave birth to a healthy 7.7 lbs and 19 3/4 inch little boy ... we named him Maxwell. There were no complications for the baby or me, and we are more grateful than words that he is healthy. I guess that is how every mother feels, but considering