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Florida Pictures & Follow Me Friday Blog Hops

(This Barred Owl visits all of the time and lets us get close to photograph. You can get a closer look by clicking the picture. He really is quite beautiful!) I cannot believe that it's already Friday! This week went so quickly and I am STILL getting caught up on website design work. I better get cracking, but first I want to say hello and wish you a wonderful weekend. Welcome to friends and

Google Friend Connect | Follow Me Blog Hop

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10Welcome to this Mother Baby Child blog :)My name is Lea. I am the Christian WAHM to 3 incredible boys (infant, tween and teen) and the wife to one too chatty, though loving hubby. I have been developing on the Internet for more than a decade and it has

Follow Friday | Blog Hop, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube | October 6, 2011

Would you believe that I forgot that it's Friday?Yep, someone just reminded me by phone ... She laughed at me because I NEVER know what day it is anymore. It seems that I get lost in my own little world here with family life and work. Deadlines I get by working a head. Bedtimes are according to Sprout shows. I get the news and date by phone. Yet, I never know what day it is anymore ... Alas, it