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Florida Pictures & Follow Me Friday Blog Hops

(This Barred Owl visits all of the time and lets us get close to photograph. You can get a closer look by clicking the picture. He really is quite beautiful!) I cannot believe that it's already Friday! This week went so quickly and I am STILL getting caught up on website design work. I better get cracking, but first I want to say hello and wish you a wonderful weekend. Welcome to friends and

Google + Blog Hop (Ongoing Networking Hop)

This Google + Hop is for mom bloggers and has easy rules ... 1) Add my Google + Page to your circle of Moms on Google + 2) Follow the Google + members on the list below 3) Comment below if you want us to know that you are participating.This is an on going blog hop, so bookmark this page and check back for new G+ers :) It would be great if you would join Google Friend Connect (lower right hand

Google Friend Connect | Follow Me Blog Hop

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. - 1 Peter 4:10Welcome to this Mother Baby Child blog :)My name is Lea. I am the Christian WAHM to 3 incredible boys (infant, tween and teen) and the wife to one too chatty, though loving hubby. I have been developing on the Internet for more than a decade and it has

Follow Friday | Blog Hop, Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube | October 6, 2011

Would you believe that I forgot that it's Friday?Yep, someone just reminded me by phone ... She laughed at me because I NEVER know what day it is anymore. It seems that I get lost in my own little world here with family life and work. Deadlines I get by working a head. Bedtimes are according to Sprout shows. I get the news and date by phone. Yet, I never know what day it is anymore ... Alas, it