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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn 2010

2010, "Let The Right One In" sketches

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Whoops! I totally lied about posting new stuff. I actually DO have new stuff, but I totally left out a sketchbook when doing my recent archival blog posts. So here are some drawings of Oskar and Eli (mostly Oskar) from the Swedish horror/romance film "Let The Right One In." I love this movie. Eli is really hard to draw. Originally I was more inspired to draw her because of her incredibly unique face, but Oskar ended up being my favorite. There's an American remake of this movie called "Let Me In", which I haven't seen yet. It looks good, but if you haven't seen either one, go for the original first. Or read the book! The book is cool too... New stuff soon.

2010, sketchbook #6

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Finally back from out of town. Here's more sketchbook art... New art coming soon, I promise!

2010, sketchbook #5

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I'm nearly done with re-blogging all my old art! A lot of stuff was left out, but I got most the stuff I still kinda like. Anyhow, here's more sketchbook stuff from 2010. I like how the two girls in the bottom corner came out on the one above. These ones are kind of hard to see, but they're unfinished drawings of this feral little girl called Genie. Her story is really sad. Google her if you're in the mood to feel really shitty. Cats. Forest girls- one of my favorite things to draw besides hillbillies. Highschool friends. I still want to make some comics about the dumb stuff that went on back then, but I don't know if I'll ever get around to it for real. More coming soon!

2010, Sketchbook from Brandy

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My good friend Brandy gave me this beautiful sketchbook that she got from the Renaissance fair last May (at least I think it was May), and I vowed to only draw wood nymphs and forest girls in it. I have yet to fill it completely, but here are a few of the drawings that I have in it. Here's a photo of how cute the sketchbook is. More soon!

2010, sketchbook #4, plus Freaks and Geeks

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These are just some pages from one of my 2010 sketchbooks, including a few Freaks and Geeks drawings I did. I love that show. There's Millie... ...and there's Kim, with a few weird Sams on the side. I like these pages. I cleaned up a lot of these drawings in Photoshop not that long ago. I'll probably put them up in a post soon. I'm almost done archiving all my old art!

2010, Lord of the Rings sketchbook drawings

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More nerdy fan art. I think when I originally posted these Lord of the Rings drawings, they were all cut up. I'm just posting the full pages this time, without cropping out the crappier drawings. Hmm. I'm thinking it might be time to watch the extended versions of these again. And then watch all the extras. Then watch them again with the commentaries...