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Healthy Cookies Recipe | Chocolate Chip Oatmeal | Wordless Wednesday

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies | Healthy Recipe Ingredients: 3 large ripe bananas, mashed 2 cups oatmeal 1/3 cup applesauce 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp vanilla extract * Can use Cacao, Carob Chips or raisins Directions: Turn oven on to 350 and Preheat while mixing all of the healthy cookie ingredients together in a medium bowl. Use table spoon to measure out cookie

Zig Ziglar Died Today - May He Rest In Peace (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)

R.I.P. Zig Ziglar (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)| Wordy Wordless Wednesday My jaw just about hit the floor when I read that Hilary Hinton a.k.a. ZIG ZIGLAR died this morning. It is was not the shock of death itself as this man has been blessed to live a long 86 years. Although I never met Hilary, I have been reading, watching his videos and quoting Zig Ziglar for years. It felt like

Wordless Wednesday - Springtime Florida Boondocks Lyrics, Pictures, Singing

One thing I know, No matter where I go, I keep my heart and soul in the boondocks ~ Little Big Town When you've had the life that I've had, there is beauty and peacefulness ... it feels like a rebirth; it feels secluded; it feels closer to God! I want my children to feel closer to God, respect nature and have a sense of pride that comes from non-materialism opposed to how things used to

Wordless Wednesday - Individualism - Thirteen Years Old Going On Thirty

Going Through Age 13 ... Again! Please Pray For Peace! My second son turned 13 years old a few weeks ago. He didn't want me to post any pictures of his "special day" nor does he want me taking any pictures of him anymore. These may be my last for a while. This part of 13 is really a drag ... I am sneaking in these pictures of him for Wordless Wednesday today and a few more blog posts about

Wordless Wednesday | Creative Ways To Recycle Wood Pallets | DYI Projects Video

Quick Slideshow Video | How To Recycle Wood Pallets | DIY I found this wood pallets video on YouTube and though it would make for an interesting Wordless Wednesday topic. There as so many DIY projects to accomplish by using wood pallets. You can typically find them listed for free on Craigslist ... I was inspired to learn more after seeing a neat wood pallet planter and raised garden ideas on

Wordless Wednesday - Baby Carrier Picture - 14 Months / 3 Weeks Old - Baby Max

14 months 3 weeks old - He still fits in the baby carrier :) We were headed for an organic farm tour and decided to pull out the old baby carrier. We were not sure if Max would still fit and like the baby carrier. He did let us ride him in the carrier for quite a while until he wanted to get down to play with the dogs at the farm :) It is so funny to look at this picture and see how big he has

My Wordy Wordless Wednesday | Helping Moms & Thankful Moms | Psalms 136.1-9

Helping Moms In Business Does Mean More Than You Think! My mother posted the little graphic above and it's BIG message really touched my heart. I have been waiting for Wordless Wednesday, so I could share it with you. Isn't this quote so true? This quote makes me feel like emailing everyone in the world; especially CEOs of companies. They have no clue how hard it is for some mothers to

Wordless Wednesday - Baby's 1st Ice Cream Cone @ Chinese Restaurant (14 Months Old)

We haven't taken our baby out to a restaurant in 6 months. 1st because I get all freaked out that he's going to get sick from touching and trying to eat everything he touches. 2nd because there are no organic food restaurants where we live and 3rd because I worry about how the food is cooked ... I was outnumbered this time and ended up giving into my husband and 12 year old! We took the baby to

Wordless Wednesday - Raining

It's been raining in Florida - On & Off Rain ... Very Warm Winter Family up north has been explaining what a calm winter it's been for them. It has been the same here in Central Florida with just a little rain and sunshine soon after. This makes for very tropical feeling / warm weather. It feels like it's going to be a scorcher this summer. The funny thing is that people from the North visit

Wordless Wednesday - Pregnant Barbie?

What do you think about pregnant Barbie? OK, I wasn't going to do a Wordless Wednesday until I saw this picture ...  Would you buy your daughter a pregnant Barbie doll? How about the breastfeeding doll? Think these teach the norm or not? BTW, here is the link to Barbie Midge Happy Family that sells for $110 to $125 (thanks to Nicole Searfoss for sharing the info this doll) - Pregnant Midge

Wordless Wednesday | Beautiful Baby Mess

Maybe I should start calling these "Wordy Wednesday" blog posts :) BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY POEM by Lea Hunt Baby runs laps in the living room; every pillow and blanket ends up spread around. White teeth while smiling and laughing, "Hi Mama", "Hi Dada", "Hi Ra Ra" (brother) ... mornings are filled with beautiful baby sounds. Baby playing with his favorite toys; scattered on the floor with such

Wordless Wednesday | Baby's 1st Long Walk

"Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!" ~ Forrest GumpSpreading his wings and keeping balance. Our baby is no longer an infant, but a toddler boy and establishing his independence. He loves the world; family, nature, family, toys, milk bottles and snuggling with mama, daddy and brother. This was

Having A Baby Over 35 & Pregnant | Sharing My Baby Experience & Life As A Parent

"I cannot explain what it is like to be over 35 years old and pregnant EXCEPT that it has been quite an experience" ~ LC Hunt :)Hello, my name is Lea and I am the CWAHM (Christian Work At Home Mom) of a teen and a tween. I am expecting my 3rd child in just a few weeks and am feeling extremely nervous because I am an older mommy (age 38) and feeling really heavy right about now.CLICK HERE to learn