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38 1/2 Years Older Than My Baby - Almost 40 Years Old ... Ecclesiastes 3 ... Comes To Mind

1st Trimester (Energetic, Athletic, Pain-Free, 38 Years Old) Post Pregnancy (Exhausted, Chubby, Achy, 39.5 Years Old) Today I woke up feeling "some kind of way" about my age. My exact thought was that "I am 21 years older than my 1st son, 25 years older than my 2nd son and 38 1/2 years older than our baby boy ... what was I thinking?" I woke my husband and tell him. He just said "yeah" and

Pictures of Mariah Carey Babies | Baby Twins Roc & Roe | Abc News 20/20 Interview and www.DemBabies.com - #dembabies

All I can say is "Thank you, Barbara Walters" for the awesome interview with Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon. It's about time! Alyssa Milano, Tori Spelling, Christina Applegate and other Over 35 celebrity moms did not wait this long to let us see their little angels ... I know that celebrity moms are just as protective of their children as we are (probably more), but #DemBabies are 6 months now and

Alyssa Milano's Baby Boy Milo Thomas

Alyssa Milano Is Another "Over 35" Celebrity Mom David Bugliari and Alyssa Milano gave birth to Milo Thomas on August 31, 2011 (Wednesday) at 9:27 A.M. Baby Milo weighed 7 lbs and was 19 inches long. It is just 5 weeks later and this 38 year old mommy looks almost as beautiful as her newborn baby (see image above courtesy of US Weekly). Like the rest of the "over 35" mommies in the USA, I feel

Mariah Carey Had Twins On Her Anniversary - #dembabies - April 30, 2011 - Nick Cannon

Looks like we can finally add Mariah Carey to celebrity moms list ... Woo Hoo! Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey gave birth to twins at 12:07 p.m. today, Saturday, April 30, 2011. The baby girl was born first at 5 pounds 3 ounces / 18 inches long. The baby boy came second weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces / 19 inches long. Both babies are healthy and mom is doing just fine ... Mariah Carey's representative,

Mariah Carey Is Still Pregnant - Twins Babies Coming Soon (Boy & Girl) - Hubby Is Ready!

Mariah Carey fans can't wait to see the "Carey-Cannon Twins", and Nick Cannon says that baby bags are packed and they are ready to go ... ANY DAY NOW ... Woo Hoo!!!I've held off as long as I can, but I had to post at least one blog about one of my favorite over 35 and pregnant celebrity, Mariah Carey. She is due to deliver any day now and I am just as anxious as the rest of the Mimi fans that

Christina Applegate & Baby Girl Sadie Grace

Christina Applegate gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Sadie Grace LeNoble on January 27, 2011 (one month after I gave birth to Baby Max). It touches my heart to read and watch Christina Applegate share her childbirth experience. In 2008, she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 36 years old. Her battle with breast cancer resulted in a double mastectomy. Yet, at 39 years old, she has given

Penélope Cruz Baby Boy Leo Encinas (January 26, 2011)

Penélope Cruz's Baby Boy: Leo Encinas - Isn't He Beautiful? Can you believe that Penélope Cruz (Age 36) and Javier Bardem had their baby boy ONE MONTH after we had baby Max and one day earlier than Christina Applegate? TOO COOL!!!! Their baby boy's name is Leo Encinas and the picture above shows that he is quite the precious one. I love that although this celebrity mom is very private about her

Penélope Cruz Pregnant

Penélope Cruz Pregnant. Picture is Courtesy of Pop Sugar This over 35 and pregnant celebrity looks fantastic in her baby bump. Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem (married July of 2010) are expecting their first child in January 2011. She will be 36 years old when she gives birth. I personally think this is a great age to have a baby. In Motherly Love, Mother Baby Child

Having A Baby Over 35 & Pregnant | Sharing My Baby Experience & Life As A Parent

"I cannot explain what it is like to be over 35 years old and pregnant EXCEPT that it has been quite an experience" ~ LC Hunt :)Hello, my name is Lea and I am the CWAHM (Christian Work At Home Mom) of a teen and a tween. I am expecting my 3rd child in just a few weeks and am feeling extremely nervous because I am an older mommy (age 38) and feeling really heavy right about now.CLICK HERE to learn