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Goodbye Red Bird ... Awkwaaaaaaaaaaaard :)

OUR LITTLE RED BIRD :) HE LOVES DRESSING UP IN THIS BIRD COSTUME. Dear Fuhu, Inc., Thank you so much for the wonderful commercial with the "Good morning red bird ..." song. It has been "played out" to the point that I thought we would never ever ever ever forget it ... every time we saw a red bird (mind you, we live in central Florida where cardinals are plentiful) ... I imagined us singing

2 Year Olds Are Terribly Terrific | Time To Retire "The Terrible Twos" Cliche

Terrific 2 Year Olds | No Such Things As Terrible Twos One would think that we would have ditched the term "terrible twos" by now. I absolutely hate it and feel like I was brainwashed to feel this way with child #1, though just did not see it that way by the time my 2nd child turned two and I certainly do not see it with child three. I think two years old is the most incredible stage in a child

Best Bath Toy for Toddlers | Perfect Gift

Munchkin Foam Letters and Numbers - Toddler's Favorite Bath Toy I would love to share the video of our baby in the tub, but my husband would kill me. So you'll just have to imagine our toddler's excitement at bath time based on what I explain here. He absolutely loves taking a bath and it is a fresh experience after going through the pre-teen years with a son that we had to bribe to take a

Mother's Day Art - Really Cute!

Mother's Day Art & Craft Idea That Will Touch Her Heart I found this beautiful art piece cycling around Facebook and then ended up connect with the super creative and artist mom that designed it. Her name is Amy Stone and her website is http://www.MittsPiggysPaws.com. You can see all of the beautiful custom art, as well as heirloom-quality ceramic pieces (like the one above) created by this

Toddler OCD | Wordy Wordless Wednesday

Cars Turned In The Same Direction ... Always! I know this is Wordless Wednesday, but I am wondering if your 2 year old does this, too? This picture was taken a few weeks ago when I noticed that he was walking the cars over and facing them in the same direction. He has since graduated to lining the cars up against the wall with the fronts facing outwards or directly beside each other on the

2 years, 2 months, 23 days | Our Toddler Is Loving, Playful, Smart | Not Sleeping All Night

Our baby is now 2 years, 4 months and 23 days old. This is an incredible time in our lives. Our toddler is a busy little 2 year old boy that consistently demands that we understand he's a person capable of thinking on his own. The best part of it all is that he starting to share new talents with us. This makes 2 years old such beautiful stage and makes me appreciate life so much more. He

Florida Beach Boys | Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday :) Lea @ Mother Baby Child

Babys 1st Time Playing In Sprinkler w/ Brother (1 Corinthians 13:4-8) "Love Is" ... Wordless Wednesday

This was our baby's 1st run in the sprinkler and he loved it! Water in his face, grass on his shoes and legs, toddler baby having a wonderful time playing in the water ... Big brother making the water sprinkler experience even more special for our baby. I watch and appreciate the beautiful relationship between brothers that are so far apart in age! Their love and my love for them ... it

Toddler Baby Bites, Pinches & Laughs

Our 17 month old toddler has 2 bad habits ... I cannot believe that I am saying this about our beautiful baby boy, though "it is what it is". Our 17 month old toddler baby bites, pinches and laughs like the Joker from Batman while he is doing it. These bad habits began a few months ago and are starting to slow down, though still exist. It hurts so badly that I cannot help saying "Ouch", "Ow"