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Post that has nothing to do with Valentine's

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The next few posts I want to do will be about my hillbilly comic characters, but since I still need to go digging to find them, here are some drawings that were originally put up on my Tumblr . Here's Anne and Lore from Don't Deliver Us From Evil (again). I post a lot of weird little post-its and work doodles on my Tumblr. Most of the stuff on there doesn't make it to my blog. Here's a new character from my Skadi comic. I do this kind of stuff when I'm at work waiting for a new assignment. It took me a while to figure out how Tumblr worked, and why anyone would want to use it, but it's actually pretty neat. Doodled on a windy day. Come back soon to see more hillbilly stuff! Thanks guys!

Watercolors, French girls, sociopathy

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Finally, some new stuff. Here are some girlie watercolors I did tonight. I've been in a big drawing rut for a while now, but forced myself to draw while I watched this French 70's movie, "Don't Deliver Us From Evil." I've wanted to get away from just drawing girls, but the two main actresses were too cool looking not to draw. Here are some Post-It drawings of Anne (Jeanne Goupil), a long-limbed sociopathic school girl. She's not always this deadpan in the movie. Also, a warning- while this movie is interesting to watch, I had a hard time getting through it because of some disturbing themes, and some really horrible treatment towards animals. I really don't deal well with that type of thing. So if you're sensitive about that sort of thing, maybe skip this one. Part of me would like to re-watch the movie and do some more drawings of the other main actress as well, but I'm not sure that'll happen anytime soon. Here's one more waterc

2010, "Let The Right One In" sketches

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Whoops! I totally lied about posting new stuff. I actually DO have new stuff, but I totally left out a sketchbook when doing my recent archival blog posts. So here are some drawings of Oskar and Eli (mostly Oskar) from the Swedish horror/romance film "Let The Right One In." I love this movie. Eli is really hard to draw. Originally I was more inspired to draw her because of her incredibly unique face, but Oskar ended up being my favorite. There's an American remake of this movie called "Let Me In", which I haven't seen yet. It looks good, but if you haven't seen either one, go for the original first. Or read the book! The book is cool too... New stuff soon.

2010, sketchbook #4, plus Freaks and Geeks

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These are just some pages from one of my 2010 sketchbooks, including a few Freaks and Geeks drawings I did. I love that show. There's Millie... ...and there's Kim, with a few weird Sams on the side. I like these pages. I cleaned up a lot of these drawings in Photoshop not that long ago. I'll probably put them up in a post soon. I'm almost done archiving all my old art!

2010, Lord of the Rings sketchbook drawings

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More nerdy fan art. I think when I originally posted these Lord of the Rings drawings, they were all cut up. I'm just posting the full pages this time, without cropping out the crappier drawings. Hmm. I'm thinking it might be time to watch the extended versions of these again. And then watch all the extras. Then watch them again with the commentaries...

2010, How to Train Your Dragon sketchbook drawings

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Even more fan art. I thought the designs in this movie were really good. Maybe the best CG people to date, in my opinion. Ok that's it. I'm outta town for the weekend but I'll get back to posting on Monday. See ya!

2010, Harry Potter sketchbook drawings

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More sketchbook fan art...this time it's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Ginny. Sort of. I love Professor Slughorn. I know not everyone's a fan, but I love this stuff. I'm gonna draw a bunch more from the last two movies soon.

2010, Conan sketchbook drawings

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I love Conan the Barbarian. I've really been in the mood to draw more Conan, and maybe some different barbarians. Anyone want to recommend some barbarian movies that would be good to draw from? Baby Conans. Valeria and Conan's mom. There's a Subotai, some Thulsa Dooms, and my favorite, some Thorgrims, played by Sven-Ole Thorsen on this last page.

2008, Women of Star Trek post-its

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There's this amazing photo set on Flickr that I stumbled upon one day called "The Galactically Hot Women of Star Trek" , and it inspired a ton of post-it drawings. Here's most of them, in no order. I sure drew some weird eyes around this time. I was selling a poster that was made up of these on my Etsy store, but ran out of them. I wonder if I should reprint some? I need more stuff for my shop. Anyhow, thanks once again for coming back. I'm getting closer to being done with these posts of old drawings, which means new art should be up soon!