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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn Mother

My Stepmother Died Peacefully Today | Cancer

Today, I received notice that my step mother - the woman I called "Mom" my ENTIRE life and did her very best to raise me as her own child - was just not strong enough to fight the cancer any more. I had been in contact with her up until her birthday and then she became very distant the past month and a half (did not return calls, commented briefly on my post, etc). I thought she was mad at me

Mother's Day Art - Really Cute!

Mother's Day Art & Craft Idea That Will Touch Her Heart I found this beautiful art piece cycling around Facebook and then ended up connect with the super creative and artist mom that designed it. Her name is Amy Stone and her website is http://www.MittsPiggysPaws.com. You can see all of the beautiful custom art, as well as heirloom-quality ceramic pieces (like the one above) created by this