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Zig Ziglar Died Today - May He Rest In Peace (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)

R.I.P. Zig Ziglar (November 6, 1926 - November 28, 2012)| Wordy Wordless Wednesday My jaw just about hit the floor when I read that Hilary Hinton a.k.a. ZIG ZIGLAR died this morning. It is was not the shock of death itself as this man has been blessed to live a long 86 years. Although I never met Hilary, I have been reading, watching his videos and quoting Zig Ziglar for years. It felt like

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 2012 - Hugs & Blessings To All I have been taking a little break from blogging, so that I can reorganize the house for the baby's new stage. I could not help popping in today because I hold all of my online moms dear to my heart and hope that you are having a wonderful day doing whatever it is that you wanted to do. If not, I send you big hugs with the following little

My Wordy Wordless Wednesday | Helping Moms & Thankful Moms | Psalms 136.1-9

Helping Moms In Business Does Mean More Than You Think! My mother posted the little graphic above and it's BIG message really touched my heart. I have been waiting for Wordless Wednesday, so I could share it with you. Isn't this quote so true? This quote makes me feel like emailing everyone in the world; especially CEOs of companies. They have no clue how hard it is for some mothers to

Natural / Organic Food - Monsanto / Pesticide Free - Why Is It So Hard To Buy Local Foods

This is not a radical anti-establishment / horrible Monsanto post, that will come later. Mine is a story of guilt and anger over processed foods, genetically altered, pesticide & fast foods ... How could we let them do this to us? How could I ignore the facts and God's will? I have struggled with my weight since having children (18 years ago). This is not because I didn't eat my veges or

Monday Marketing Tip | Brilliant Ideas Reality

A Brilliant Idea Turned Into A Reality | Monday Marketing Tip One of my cousins has always had a plethora of information to share. As a child, he was the "go to guy" in his own right; he was our walking encyclopedia of interesting facts, biblical scriptures, solutions to problems and brilliant ideas. He spoke with such passion and variety that I felt like I was hanging out with my own