
Whew, this is gonna be a long post!! It's probably going to get me in trouble, too! Well, anyone that knows me knows that I'm very (maybe annoyingly) nostalgic. I actually really enjoyed highschool, and really miss it. I had it really easy...I somehow managed to pass without ever turning in homework and ditching half my classes to spend my afternoon at the lake. No responsibilities at all!! I want to go back!! Anyhow, this above drawing is supposed to be me and my friend Em when we went as Sailor Scouts for halloween.

More Em!
Here is realistic Emli. She's fun to draw because she has real-life cartoon eyes- the kind that are huge with lots of shines and long eyelashes! I like her because she is smart and funny and good at a lots of things.
A little more cartoony...this blonde one above is "Cancer Victim Emli." At least that's what my mom called her when we washed the bleach out. I thought she looked cute though!
These are drawn from memory, and the little dinky doodles are about a year old. I had wanted to do some comic type projects involving some of my old buddies, but I never finished it because I figured no one would think it was funny except me.

Sorry Kacy!! I don't have that many photos of you...and in the ones I do have, your hair is in your face!
Little cartoon hippie. Kacy is a really good actress and the best singer I know.

The first one is always too realistic...Christine is a really good painter and illustrator!

More cartoons from memory!

Realistic Megan...the ears are for real though!
Megan is a more pleasant person than the rest of us.
Cartoony-from memory-drawings. Megan looks like a pretty woodland creature come to bestow some elf magic on you!
A nice past time is playing the keyboard with a friend and writing songs about food.

Christine and Megan draw pictures too. I'm pretty sure they failed highschool art class as miserably as I did. We must've been doing something right...Megan and I were asked to paint a mural for the school...we had to recreate one of those Unicorn tapestries with a million little details. We painted it alright, but we also made sure to defile it by putting little weiners on all the animals. Next time I go to visit my parents I'm going to try to find it and take a picture.

Here's where they live:

Kathryn plays the bassoon. I haven't heard her play it since school though. I've heard she's really good.
By the way, don't bother asking me for any of these girls' numbers, ha! I'm pretty sure they all have boyfriends or girlfriends, or they're out of touch with me anyhow. Sorry!

Here's some fun that will get me yelled at...try and match the photo to the drawings! Don't expect hair colors and styles to help you though!

Here's a little bit more fun...my own highschool portrait. I'm being nice to myself!

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