Ten Years

My husband and I were lucky enough to get away for four days this past weekend. San Francisco. Our ten-year anniversary.

We had a good time. It was nice to be kid-less for a few days. It was nice to sleep in and take naps. It was nice to explore a city we've never visited. And to eat and drink non-stop.

But mostly, it was nice to spend four whole days with the person I chose to share my life's journey with. I'm not generally a sappy person but, hey, ten years. I am very lucky to have found this man. We're not perfect. But it works.

I love him more today than I did the day I married him. We're a good team. We understand each other. We enjoy each other. And, the craziness of every day life can obscure that sometimes. But we do a pretty good job of recharging - even just by going on a date from time to time. This weekend was a solid recharge.

One funny thing we did this weekend: I found the notebooks we wrote in during our Engaged Encounter weekend ten years ago. I packed them and we read them in our hotel room the night of our anniversary. We laughed pretty hard. Neither of us wanted to attend Engaged Encounter but it was required by the Church. So, the notebooks were full of a lot of bitching and moaning about it. But the parts that were actually serious (or semi-serious) were fairly interesting.

We apparently were encouraged to write about our partner's areas for improvement. And in both notebooks, our complaints about one another, written ten years ago, could have been written yesterday. At our core, we haven't changed a bit. But we have changed the ways in which we deal with those complaints.

And here we are. Ten years later. My heart and my life are full. I am blessed.

Looking forward to the next ten.

(My San Francisco pics are here on Flickr.)

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