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We're All Stars Now in the Dope Show*

J and I had date night tonight. He really wanted to see a movie - so we found a sitter, bought some tickets online and set out. We left a bit early, too early to go to the theater. So, I suggested we stop for a beer. He said "No, let's find a bookstore." Huh? Bookstores are my gig. He makes fun of me for wanting to spend even part of an evening out poking around a bookstore. But, whatever. It was nice. We headed to the theater a while later. Got our tickets to see The Blind Side (which was good despite Sandra Bullock's blonde hair and Tim McGraw's hair piece) and waded through the lobby full of angsty New Moon -awaiting teenagers to theater 17. Which was fairly full. We managed to find two seats next to a family: parents and two teenage boys. While waiting for the movie to start, I noticed the kid next to me get a text on his phone. Being the inherently nosy person I am, I sideways-glanced to read the text. I missed the incoming text but got to read the response.

What Happens While I'm Working...

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I've been doing some work this morning. My two-and-a-half year old twins decided to dress themselves. Here is their handiwork: (It is currently 40 degrees and damp outside, by the way.) They also decided to cover my bathroom carpet with a healthy layer of shaving cream and Rain-X. Why do people put carpet in bathrooms? Good morning.

I'm Not Even Sure What to Say About This

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My first grader has library check-out on Thursdays. She's turned into a little reading machine over the last month. I open her door at 10:00pm to cover her up, only to find her lying in bed, finishing the last chapter of a Magic Tree House book (her current faves). She staggers to breakfast in the morning, tired because she stays up so late reading. She takes books in the car, reading Shel Silverstein aloud to me or taking in a few quick chapters of something if she can find a chair to sit in while I shop. She likes fiction and non-fiction. She likes poetry and prose. I was interested and amused to find this as one of her school library selections this week: Weird, no? (She has no idea who Oprah is, by the way. "I just wanted to learn about this lady.")

My Instructions on How to Start the Day Right

* This one's goin' out to Amy in Delray Beach... Step 1 - Watch this video (You'll have to click the link because the owners of the video apparently don't allow embedding. Total jackasses.) but - VERY IMPORTANT - fast-forward to the 21 second mark and watch to the end. Everything before then is ridiculous and stupid. Step 2 - Repeat. As many times as your mood requires. There you go. Enjoy. sigh...I caught this during a football game this weekend on TV and had the vapors for about 20 minutes. (I just can't believe he went to freaking Mizzou)

A Brief Conversation with My Eldest Child. On Steroids.

My oldest is on day three of five days of an oral steroid. He's battling a barky, croupy cough. The steroid is supposed to help. And it also makes him a bit hyper and squirrely. He won't stop talking. Our conversations go a little something like this: What if my name was Eugene? - Okay... I guess I would live on a ship. - What? Because I like sailing and throwing up. - Huh. Remember Stuart Little. - Yeah. It's about a mouse. If I were a mouse, I would scare you. - Okay. Now, I will do a coin trick. Annnnnnnnnnd, scene.

It's Like Crack

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Someone at Avery is A Little Twisted

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I was at Staples today. Shopping for report covers. And then I browsed the label aisle because I like labels. I spied this gem in the label display. (Sorry for the crappy pics - the camera on my phone sucks.) A closer look, in case you couldn't see the sample address on the packaging: Don't know who Tyler Durden is? Don't be ashamed. Apparently, the supervisors at Avery don't either. Tyler Durden is a character in Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club. Not ringing a bell? Brad Pitt in the movie Fight Club . Wikipedia describes the character as "[a] charismatic but nihilistic neo-Luddite and anarcho-primitivist with a strong hatred for consumer culture." Just the right sample name for your mailing label packaging, right? Heh. I scoured the other label packages and didn't find any other pop culture references. Not a one. I love it.