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Christmas 2008

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Hope that you and yours had a wonderful holiday. Ours was awesome, thanks for asking. Santa, nice guy that he is, left some lovely items for us to enjoy. Socks for J. And some other stuff too. Sit & Spin for the babies. Here's C enjoying it. Oh, and a Wii for the whole family. It was kind of a big hit. Can you tell? (I dominated the first day of Wii bowling. But have since been completely schooled by my seven year old.) We ended the evening with some casual company and comfort food. Here is my baby enjoying a 9x12 full of Buffalo Chicken Dip, which is laced with hot wing sauce. He actually ate it. And here is my baby looking for a little more wine to wash it all down. The perfect way to end the holiday.

Lots of Candles and Holidays

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Yesterday was my birthday. When I walked into the kitchen in the morning, my seven year old said: "Mom! When did you get taller?" Gee, I wonder if he's heard that on a birthday or two himself... ************** Also from G: Mom, can we celebrate Hanukkah? No, probably not. We're not Jewish. Oh, darn it! And we don't even speak Jewish... ************** That was followed the next day by: Mom, can we PLEASE just TRY to celebrate Hanukkah and Kwanzaa? ************** Busy day today. We went and bought a new car for me. Updated version of what I had before. New color. And fancy wheels. Mama's got rims. And then we took the big kids to see the Rockettes Christmas show downtown. It was really good. I expected more kids but this was truly an all ages show. Tons of adults there without children. As we crossed the street from the parking garage to the arena, G commented that " Sprint Center looks like a disco ball cut in half ." And I looked. And it does.

Still Here!

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Slightly fewer things on the to-do list. Not really actually, now that I think about it. Things drop off and new things get added. I've been at the computer most of the day, trying to get a few things completed. Oh, I also watched the snow. The snow makes it a lot easier to see the various wildlife in the wooded area behind our house. Today, four deer and a mangy coyote. I had only caught a couple glimpses of the coyote before, usually from afar. This afternoon, he trotted right past my window - even stopped to shake the snow from his fur. He was probably hungry. Keep your pocket dogs inside, neighbors. ************ Last weekend, G and I spent about an hour working on an Usborne archaeology set that he received for his birthday from one of my sisters. It was really pretty cool. Sweet safety glasses? Check. Hammer and chisel thingies? Check. Brush to clean the excavation site? Check. Priceless Egyptian artifacts unearthed from centuries-old pyramid? Well...not exactly. Plastic repli


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Lots of people have been asking me about inking lately, so I'll try to remember what I learned about it a long time ago and post it here. My first job ever in animation was inking, and there were so many rules to follow that they all had to be written down on a 2 page memo for all the inkers to post up in front of them. I wish I had those now, cause I'd just post them! So anyhow, here's a picture of the pens I like to ink with best: Those black and white pens on the right are "boldliners' made by Eberhard Faber (that's what they're called, right?). I'm pretty sure they don't make them anymore, which is awful because they're the easiest inking pens I've ever used. They're cheap marker pens with felt tips. They're good because when you start out using them, they have nice sharp points, but after a while begin to get mushy at the end, making it easier to put pressure on them to get thicks and thins. There are other felt tip markers you


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Whew, this is gonna be a long post!! It's probably going to get me in trouble, too! Well, anyone that knows me knows that I'm very (maybe annoyingly) nostalgic. I actually really enjoyed highschool, and really miss it. I had it really easy...I somehow managed to pass without ever turning in homework and ditching half my classes to spend my afternoon at the lake. No responsibilities at all!! I want to go back!! Anyhow, this above drawing is supposed to be me and my friend Em when we went as Sailor Scouts for halloween. More Em! Here is realistic Emli. She's fun to draw because she has real-life cartoon eyes- the kind that are huge with lots of shines and long eyelashes! I like her because she is smart and funny and good at a lots of things. A little more cartoony...this blonde one above is "Cancer Victim Emli." At least that's what my mom called her when we washed the bleach out. I thought she looked cute though! These are drawn from memory, and the little din