He's been at it again

I think I know what to do with my Canon 400D when I upgrade to a full frame camera - I'll give it to Oomoo! He took these with it, and even though it's pretty heavy and bulky for his small hands, he was still happy walking around Southbank for ages with it around his neck and snapping away. I've had to fight my instincts of wanting to straighten these before I put them up, but I've left them framed as he took them. See the man in the hat in the third picture? There was such a great moment when Oomoo spotted him, you could tell he'd seen something that would have been a good picture, but the man spotted him too and quickly started walking away, hence the back shot. I hope I'm passing on the joy of photography to my son, just like my god father passed it on to me when I was a kid. I'm eternally grateful for being introduced to it at such a young age; and to think that Oomoo is six years younger than I was when I started… who knows what kind of eye he'll develop?

On another note: the blog is six years old today. Hipp hipp! I didn't really have a plan about what I wanted this place to be when I started it, more than I wanted to make sure I took pictures more regurlarly. I never imagined that six years down the line I'd be posting pictures that my son (who wasn't even born then) had taken. Funny how life goes. I'm so glad to still have this space, and that I still enjoy putting posts together, all 862 of them. Thank you so much for stopping by over the years and for your continued support - here's hoping there'll be at least another six years to come!

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