My Funny Eye = 5

The blog turned five last week, can you believe it?! Whoah. What can I say? Well, for starters, I can't thank you enough for taking the time and stopping by here in my little space, for the feedback and comments and hellos. It's been so much fun to have somewhere where I can post my pictures and write a few words. 

Now, I'd like to ask you a favour. Tell me a little about yourself (age/where you live/whaddyado) - it's been a while since I did this (or did I ever? I can't remember - five years is a long time). If you want to know more about me here's the Q&A we did here a while back. Also, another favour if you don't mind... One of my New Year's resolutions this year was to listen to more new (or new to me) music, and I'm not doing too well on that front. What is your favourite album or song right now? Mine is this; and it's from three years ago (but newish to me!). It makes me feel like a champ when I listen to it while I run - ha! 

Anyway. You don't have to, but it would be nice to hear about you! And thanks again for coming here. Here's to another five :) 

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