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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2012

Drive by

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Oops... where has the week gone (or, where has this year gone?! I mean, it's August tomorrow - how did that happen??)? I meant to come back here last week but never got the chance, and now I'm out of synch with my pictures. It's weird to think that these are from a week ago whereas today I'm looking out on a drizzly street, nursing my fourth cup of tea and feeling rather sluggish. Aaaaanyway, I shot these out the passenger window as we were driving down the promenade in Southend-on-Sea, and I like how they're same same but different :)

Day trippers

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We're having a few days of hot weather right now, so yesterday we escaped with friends to the seaside, hoping it would be cooler there... But it wasn't, haha! Never the less we had a lovely day out in Southend-on-Sea, and I'll be posting more pics during the week. Hope you're having a nice one, whatever the weather!

Little Mo pic of the week XVI

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90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

This is what I've been up to ... How about you? The past few months have been very busy for me. My family and I committed to an organic / natural lifestyle back in March 2012. This has taken a lot of research and major changes to how we shop, eat and live. The greatest challenge has been finding food that is really organic and really natural. We now shop between farms, stores and markets for the

Inside a camera

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Oomoo got a little surprise on his bedroom wall the other morning. There's a black-out blind in his window and somewhere on it must be a tiny little hole... So we got to enjoy a moment of camera obscura . It's a shame that it was the view out the back and not the front of our house (cars moving or people walking would've been so cool), but Oomoo got a bit freaked out by it, so I had to open the blind quickly-quick.

Sweet 16

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Me and the hubby turned 16 on Saturday and we celebrated our anniversary with lunch at Min Jiang  - a real treat. If you had told me that I would meet my future husband at 21 when I was a teenager, I would have laughed in your face. How ridiculously old-fashioned... But as it turns out, it's been wonderful! Our song :)

In the evenings

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Every other evening me and the hubby have a screen-free evening. Whilst he is working on another paper gun, I sit and do my Japanese homework. During my annual January slump I felt I needed a change, and so after having a think I realised that maybe it was about time I'd try and learn Japanese. It's something I've wanted to do for years, but I kind of forgot that I wanted to. I've only got a few lessons left on my 14 week intensive course and I have already signed up for my second year (I'm loving it!). Me and the hubby made a pact; this is something I'm not to give up on (Spanish and piano are some of the things I've laid to rest in the past) - this is for the long haul. If all goes well I only have another five or so years to go before I'm fluent :) Have you set yourself a new challenge this year? I'd love to know!

Just another morning

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The Master speaks

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I don't know if you guys remember this post I wrote about Saul Leiter a few years back, but as you can see by the pictures, the man is a genius - my absolute favourite photographer of all time. He has shunned the limelight and apart from reading the introduction in his "Early Colour" book, I don't know that much about him. When I heard that a colleague of my husband was making a documentary about him I kind of punched the air. Well, it's almost ready and I can't wait to see it, but they are a bit short on funding in order to complete it. So, I want to do my bit and spread the word. Every little counts and if you can, please donate and forward to the link on your own blogs. The trailer makes me a bit teary, I mean this man is like a God to me, and yet he's so humble. All he really wanted was to make a "little book". Nothing more. Amazing.

Home Olympics

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I've fallen a bit behind with my posts... Last Sunday we had our own Olympics/Sports Day in my mother-in-law's garden. It's a tradition that we started last year and that we'll aim to keep going for as long as at the kids enjoy it, and for as long as the adults are able.

Baby Won't Sleep - Toddler Will Not Nap

Our 18 Month Old Toddler Baby Won't Sleep I am blown away with frustration and fatigued these days. I just do not know what to do! Our toddler baby won't sleep alone anymore and he certainly does not like to nap at all. Well, let me rephrase that last statement. He does go to bed alone at 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm at night (after a little rocking by dad and a little crying once placed in bed), but he


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Last Friday we went with my mother-in-law to see the Bauhaus exhibition at the Barbican (I couldn't sneak any pics inside) and if you're in town I can highly recommend it. I've seen countless Bauhaus related exhibitions over the years, but it turns out you can't ever see too much of it. Oomoo got a chance to have a run around the Barbican complex afterwards and so everyone was happy! Just as with South Bank I used to think the Barbican was a terrible eye sore, but now I loves it :)


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