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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 4, 2010

Micro Funny Kids

It dawns on me that much of what I used to write here now goes to Twitter. In 140 character snippets. Things that make me laugh but don't quite seem worthy of an entire blog post. But I started this blog primarily as a way to record the things my kids do that give me the giggles. I don't want to lose those one-liners in the ether of Twitter (although the Library of Congress is now apparently archiving tweets - I probably won't consult the LoC in the future in a fit of nostalgia). So, I dug back through some tweets and curated a few that still made laugh. If you're on Twitter, I'm @kbmckinney . Just watched my 8YO play Minuet in G from memory at piano recital. (Not showing off, he forgot his sheet music. Par for the course.) So cool 1:38 PM Mar 6th Wonder what my 3YO was thinking while rubbing applesauce through his hair. Of course, I didnt notice til it was dry. Bestmomever... 5:36 PM Mar 10th The bright side of a

And I Cried.

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My first child had a little issue with haircuts as a small person. He was banned from Great Clips at age 2 1/2. The whole thing kinda freaked him out. Tears, snot, screaming, squirming. It's all good now. He sorta even likes getting his hair did now. My little guys have had several haircuts over their three years. And, other than the first one or two (which occurred on my bathroom counter with me on the shears), they've had them done at the local children's hair salon. The one with race car seats and buckets of DumDums. Because there's nothing better than a sticky sucker coated with bits of hair. Mmmmm. My husband has been chomping at the bit to buzz the babies' hair (and, yes, they're still my "babies"). C had a nice floppy, bowl-ish look going. H had...well, he had a mess of hair. Thin but wild. Hello, floppy. Hello, wild. I pushed him off for months but finally relented and said that he could buzz them for summer. Summer came early this weekend bec

What Happens When Boys Have Big Sisters

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The scene in my front yard this afternoon: Lest you think he was actually relaxing, beneath his head was - not a pillow but - a large rock from the neighbor's landscaping.