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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2009


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My two-year-olds to each other: Rock, Paper, nuh, nuh, GO! (with rochambeau hand movements) ******* My six-year-old, during a gourmet sloppy joe dinner last night: I have a sesame seed bun. My seven-year-old: I have a delicious and nutritious whole wheat bun. My six-year-old: If I plant these seeds, will it grow bread? ******* My two-year-old at his very first movie last week (very loudly, as the prehistoric squirrel in the Ice Age movies appeared on the screen to start the film): OHMYGOD! WHAT IS THAT? ******* And, I'll leave you with this. What my six-year-old does to her brother when left unattended.

The Omaha Trip Recap

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I won't re-tell the Omaha story here. I posted pics and words over at KCKidsFun - click here to read Weekend Family Getaway from Kansas City: Omaha . And we'll be headed back next summer for sure. I've only been asked about it every day since we got back. A big hit.

It Just Got Personal

You that pesky health care reform debate going on right now? The one I successfully managed to avoid reading about, hearing about or even thinking about. Until today. Yeah. That one. And today it got personal, bitches. Mama's pissed off. My husband changed jobs this summer. Our old health insurance was pretty good. Provided through mega-national-corporation. Our portion of the premium was reasonable. Coverage was good. The insurance available at the new place is, well, less than optimum. With pricey premiums. And we'll just leave it at that. So, I decided to investigate individual coverage plans. I applied for coverage for the family through our existing insurance company because I knew that we could still see all of our same doctors and because I figured they could see (via their history with us) that we don't cost them a whole lot of money - even though there are six of us. I spent about three hours completing their application which forced me to try to recall five years

If Swearing Offends You, Please Don't Watch This

If, on the other hand, you really like swearing, then by all means...

Snap Back to Reality

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And...school started this morning. I think I may have been the only asshole who didn't walk her kids in. Dude. It was raining. I had two toddlers in pajamas. Here they are in all of their grown-up glory. Remember what they looked like last year? The year before? Me neither. All I know is that my daughter, who is really not a tomboy, totally looks like one in the outfit she chose for today. The t-shirt does have rhinestones. If you're Beadazzled, you're kinda girly, right?

The List

Okay, so I'm really procrastinating from doing work but I'm curious. Do you have a "List"? Do you remember the episode of Friends in which everyone talks about their freebie list? The internets tell me that the episode was called "The One with Frank Jr." and Chandler's explanation went like this: Chandler : Well, we have a deal where we each get to pick five different celebrities that we can sleep with, and the other one can't get mad. Ross : Ah, the heart of every healthy relationship: Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities. Monica : So, Chandler... who's on your list? Chandler : Uh, Kim Basinger, Cindy Crawford, Halle Berry, Yasmine Bleeth, and, ah, Jessica Rabbit. Because I know you're dying to know, I think my list is - Paul Rudd, Jon Hamm, Dana White, Stellan Skarsgard, and...I'm not totally sure on the last one. I'd also probably equally enjoy just hanging out with any of them. Okay, "equally" might be a ridiculous

Mah Boyz

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Those faces. I could eat them with a spoon. So awesome. I love them.

Mah Girlz

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I've had this book sitting on my desk all summer. My daughter wrote it in her kindergarten class just before school ended. I found it in her backpack along with a huge pile of other papers in mid-June. It made me laugh so hard (and still does) that I had to share it. It's titled "Me and My Girls". Girls are awsum. (Girls are awesome.) Girls are not trubl makrs. (Girls are not troublemakers.) Girls are roolrs of the wold. (Girls are rulers of the world.) Girls owes war dress. (Girls always wear dresses.) Girls are one of the best hamins in the wold. (Girls are one of the best humans in the world.) And my personal favorite double-page spread - Girls have honisty. (Girls have honesty.) Girls can camitucat. (Girls can communicate.) Seriously? Girls can communicate?! I'm assuming that the unspoken message here is that boys are lying, thieving bastards who can't communicate to save their lives. How did she learn this universal truth already??? So good.

Lost History

As you may remember, I took the kids to Omaha last week for a short adventure. That adventure included SEVEN hours at the zoo, one hour at the hotel pool, three hours at the children's museum, $30 in in-room kids' movies at the hotel, two breakfast buffets and one panic stricken moment in which my youngest child disappeared and was discovered a few minutes later in a glass elevator on the fourth floor. More on that later though. The only thing that was on my own, personal agenda for the Omaha trip was some genealogy scouting. I may have mentioned before that I have had periodic genealogy obsessions over the last ten years or so. Actually, my obsession began much earlier with the "family tree" assignment we received in sixth grade but the internet made things much easier. So, our first non-dial-up internet connection in 1998 spawned my current genealogy addiction. Anyway. Omaha. My paternal grandfather's grandparents immigrated to America from Ireland at some point

In Case You Thought I Was Kidding About That 5 Bag Thing

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Here are the five bags my daughter packed for a two-night trip to Omaha. These were lined up by the garage door when I got out of bed on Wednesday morning. These bags contained two completely random outfits (one of which included the shorts to a pajama set), two nightgowns, two pair of underpants, a bathing suit and goggles, four lip glosses, a hairbrush, six beanie babies, four My Little Ponies, an amusement park prize stuffed animal, her security Lambie (head poking out in far right of photo), a second stuffed lamb, one pair of Crocs, two compact mirrors, seven Dr. Suess books and a set of Crayola Color Wonder markers with Glitter Princess paper. I told her that five bags wasn't happening. She assessed the situation and informed me that she really needed everything she packed. Unfortunately for her, I then had to handle it. We got that down to one bag with two different outfits, one nightgown, two pair of underpants, bathing suit, goggles, one lip gloss, hairbrush, Lambie, sneake

Crazy Mom Takes Four Kids to Omaha for "Getaway"

Yes. I am insane. Or I have balls of titanium, as my husband believes. Today after lunch, I loaded up my four and hit the open road. Three hours north to Omaha for a two-and-a-half day sortie. Our plan is to hit the zoo and the children's museum and enjoy hotel living. Basically, just getting the hell out of our house for a while. And my husband started a new job this week - so it's just me and the kids. The drive was fine. The two little ones napped for a while. They all watched some DVDs. And we got here without incident. At one point during the drive, my daughter asked me how many hours we had been on the road. It had been 15 minutes. (Also? She packed FIVE bags for the trip. I whittled it down to one.) But, so far, so good. We checked into the hotel. I sprung for a suite so that the little kids could be put to bed in a bedroom behind a closed door while the older ones watched a movie on the sofa bed. And now, the big kids are watching the movie and the little ones are STILL

This Is What I'm Up Against...

Sorry for the poor video quality - it's J's cameraphone. This is classic C. Turn up your volume and enjoy.