Terrible Twos

I just realized that I started this blog two years ago this week! June 2, 2007.

This blog started on a whim, to serve as a diary of the funny things my children do and say. I barely knew how blogs worked when I started. And now, two years later, I write (much of it, blogging) for a (part-time) living. Okay, "living" might be stretching it - let's leave it at supplemental income...

I'm blessed to be able to do this from home with the flexibility to be with my kids. I'm blessed by a husband who thinks that my total web-geekiness is kinda cool. (Who knew HTML and CSS were sexy?)

Thanks to those who read my thoughts here and elsewhere. I hope I've entertained you in some small way and I hope you'll stick around for another year. (As my toddlers start talking more and more, the material for this blog will be bountiful...stay tuned.)

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